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Old 04-06-2007, 03:15 AM
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Originally posted by janrif
I guess not. Not when it comes to sorting. ;-) Try creating a search of appt >= today & priority = urgent or important (or 1 & 2) & is not completed. See if what what you come up with makes sense visually. To me, those not assigned to appt or urgent/important take preferance.
I dont use GTD, I have my own system ...
Sorry, I probably dont understand sth. If you do appt>=today and all other things in search are AND, how can you get in the result items that have no 'appt' set? I guess you did sth wrong in your search, and when you do OR for priority attribute, you didnt indent it properly.

Can you post a screenshot where I can see a search and some results?
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