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ExpertInstall / QuickInstall / Tarma Installer / Tarma InstallMate Project tab

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This tab of the ExpertInstall / QuickInstall / Tarma Installer / Tarma InstallMate action specifies the installer project to be compiled and other options.


Project filename: The filename of the project to compile (required).


Configuration: Specifies the configuration to build (optional, blank for default).


Check only: Checks the project without building if checked.


Do not sign installer: If checked, does not sign the installation package, even if the build configuration has its Sign after build attribute checked. This option is useful to avoid user interaction during a batch build.


Log file: Specifies the log file to write compilation output to (optional, reads from stdout if blank).


Variable names/values: Defines variable name-value pairs to set (optional).  Enter a variable name and value in the edit fields, and click Insert to add to the list.  Select an item in the list to update its value or delete it from the list.