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Properties Pane

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The Properties pane/window can be used to view and edit step and macro properties.  It is accessed by clicking on the Properties pane or by choosing the Properties Window item on the View menu.  This is an alternative, modeless pane for modifying properties.  The modal step and macro properties dialogs can also be used to edit properties.  A user option determines which method is used by default when inserting new steps and macros.




Press the arrow keys to move up or down row by row, or press Ctrl+Tab/Shift+Ctrl+Tab to go to the next/previous grouping/page.  To edit a property value in the pane, double-click on the value, press F2, or begin typing a new value.  To enter a macro reference, type % and additional characters to filter the macro list.  Press Enter to accept the new value or Esc to cancel editing.  For multiline, array and fields with override values, the step properties dialog will be opened to modify the property.  The expanded value of a property will be displayed in a tool tip when hovering the mouse over that column.


Other functions are available via the context menu and keyboard shortcuts:

Property values can be cut, copied, pasted.
A property containing a filename or path can be opened a file in its associated application (Launch), viewed file in the user-configured viewer (View), or the folder opened in Windows Explorer (Explore).  Any macros or script are expanded to determine the filename to be used.
The related step or macro properties dialog can be opened to edit the properties.