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Telnet Action Telnet Tab

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This tab of the Telnet action specifies server information.


Server: The Telnet server name or IP address (required).


Port: The port to connect on (options, default is 23 for Telnet, 22 for SSH, and 992 for SSL).


Timeout: How long (in seconds) to wait for a connection or response before timing out (required).  Enter 0 to wait indefinitely.


Delay: Specifies an amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for a server response for each sent command.  If 0 (the default), the action will wait until there is nothing to read from the server.


Username: User to login as (optional).  If not provided, the script must manually login.


Password: Password for user logging in (optional).


Note: If a username and password are provided, the action will attempt to login to the remote server automatically.  It is specifically designed to work with most UNIX based servers, and may work with other servers that use a similar login process.  It scans the response text for a username prompt and then replies with the specified username.  If that is successful, it will then scan for a password prompt and provide the specified password.  The next response to be checked by the first Script response match will return any welcome message from the server (this is typically also followed by a command prompt).  Because it is designed for UNIX based systems, it may not work with servers running on other operating system platforms such as Windows or VMS.  In this case, leave the username and password fields blank and provide the necessary login commands in the Script field.


Proxy type: Configures the type of proxy server (if any) to connect to:

None: No proxy server.
HTTP: Specifies that the client is not logged into the proxy server. The USER command is sent in the format username@ftpsite followed by the password. This is the format used with the Gauntlet proxy server.
Telnet: Specifies that the client is logged into the proxy server. The USER command is then sent in the format username@ftpsite followed by the password. This is the format used by the InterLock proxy server.


Proxy server: The proxy server name or IP address (required).


Proxy port: The port to connect on (required).


Proxy username: The username to login as (optional).


Proxy password: User's password (optional).


Note: Proxy settings only apply for SSH connections.