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Write File Action

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This action creates a step to create a text file or append text to a file.


Filename: The filename to write the text to.  Any non-existent subdirectories will be created before creating the file.


Text: The text to write to the file.


Note: Bracket characters [ and ] and the percent sign character % within step fields have special meaning in a step field.


Ensure file is not read-only: Removes the read-only attribute of the file before overwriting or appending.


Ignore special characters: If checked, the above processing of special characters for macro references and script expressions will not be performed and escaping (doubling) will not be needed.


Behavior: Determines whether to overwrite, append, or prepend to an existing file.


Encoding (code page): The encoding or Windows code page that will be used when writing the file (optional).  If left blank, the system code page (CP_ACP) will be used.  Other common encodings for files are UTF-8, Unicode (UTF-16 LE), Windows-1252, Cyrillic, Chinese, and other encodings or code pages supported by Windows (see the Microsoft Global Development web site and MSDN Unicode topics for more details).


Write BOM: If checked, writes a byte order mark to the beginning of the file.  Applies only when creating or replacing a file and using an encoding of UTF-8 or Unicode.