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XSD Action XSD Tab

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This tab of the XSD Action specifies general settings.


Input filename: The input file to convert (required). You must specify the extension as one of the following: .xdr, .xml, .xsd, .dll, or .exe.


If you specify an XDR schema file (.xdr extension), the action converts the XDR schema to an XSD schema. The output file has the same name as the XDR schema, but with the .xsd extension.


If you specify an XML file (.xml extension), the action infers a schema from the data in the file and produces an XSD schema. The output file has the same name as the XML file, but with the .xsd extension.


If you specify an XML schema file (.xsd extension), the action generates source code for runtime objects that correspond to the XML schema.


If you specify a runtime assembly file (.exe or .dll extension), the action generates schemas for one or more types in that assembly.


Directory for output files: Specifies the directory for output files (optional). This argument can appear only once. The default is the current directory.


XSD output type: Classes: Generates classes that correspond to the specified schema. To read XML data into the object, use the System.XML.Serialization.XMLSerializer.Deserializer method.   DataSet: Generates a class derived from DataSet that corresponds to the specified schema. To read XML data into the derived class, use the System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml method.


Language to use for generate proxy class: Specifies the programming language to use (optional). Choose from CS (C#; default), VB (Visual Basic), JS (Jscript), or VJS (Visual J#). You can also specify a fully qualified name for a class implementing System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider


Namespace for generated proxy or template: Specifies the runtime namespace for the generated types. The default namespace is Schemas.


URI for elements in the schema to generate code for: Specifies the URI for the elements in the schema to generate code for (optional). This URI, if present, applies to all elements specified with the Elements option.