View Full Version : [VBP] Suggestions

  1. Undo/Redo operations
  2. Setting global file locations
  3. These should be added in next release
  4. Perl support
  5. Add more macros to SubRoutine call
  6. Support for .NET VSD projects
  7. Numega BoundsChecker support
  8. Multiple edit windows would be nice
  9. Want to see project step, not subroutine
  10. macro sublists
  11. Requesting to execute vbld_StepDone after all children and subroutines are finished.
  12. Suggest to add an option to propogate failure status to parent node.
  13. Scriptable calls to Subroutines.
  14. "multithreaded" build execution
  15. Keep failure status of any build step
  16. PerlScript support
  17. Full path in title bar
  18. Common macros, script (and subroutines?)
  19. Rename
  20. FTP download
  21. Custom step icons
  22. Increment Build and Revision Number
  23. Cloak and Decloak SourceSafe Commands
  24. SourceSafe Get/Label/Checkout only workspace related files
  25. Read Line
  26. Support for mput in FTP
  27. Multiple subroutine tabs
  28. UNDO needed in IDE
  29. Show command line for Run step
  30. Connecting through SourceOffSite
  31. Built in Yes-No Question
  32. wishlist - Putty (pscp, plink) steps
  33. In-Built Integration with ANT
  34. Project Level Events
  35. Digital signatures
  36. Default step name for new steps:take the action name
  37. No dialog Test during debugging
  38. Hiding the “Build View”
  39. Suggestion for Next Version
  40. Recursive FTP?
  41. Step skipped explanation
  42. Browser interface like CruiseControl?
  44. More Subroutine Tabs
  45. Visual Basic Script from file?
  46. Threads that call custom actions
  47. Change build rule icon
  48. Run SQL improvement
  49. Mac version?
  50. "Protected" Macros to be used for passwords/credentials in deployment steps
  51. Reset clear Temporary Macros
  52. Customize toolbar
  53. Small bug and a few suggestions
  54. Change the resize logic of the Perforce Client Spec/Label tab
  55. Selection and rebuild selected is different from normal build
  56. One suggestion
  57. Copy Files Enhancement - Date Filter
  58. Find should search the action text for steps
  59. Indentation
  60. NxN AlienBrain SCC support
  61. READ_XML macro
  62. FxCop
  63. Borland StarTeam
  64. Locating Vs.Net web projects
  65. Larger text entry field in the Make VS.Net
  66. Process Files
  67. Two suggestions for FTP
  68. Allow .NET Assembly Functions to be called
  69. Import Tool from Ants, MSBuild and etc...
  70. Save As... MSBuild
  71. Preserve Build Selections within a Group
  72. Automating MULTILIZER?
  73. Build Script password protection
  74. Using Wait with Time AND Files
  75. Feature Req: VMWare Player
  76. Use color with VisBuildCmd.exe
  77. Add right-click navigation to subroutines
  78. A "rebuild group" command would be useful
  79. Logging improvements sorely needed
  80. Bad Idea: Call Subroutine in Failure
  81. Feature request - Wix (Windows Installer XML Toolset)
  82. Feature Request
  83. Failure handling in groups and subroutines
  84. Change properties dialog box
  85. Nesting Process Files Action
  86. Write XML: namespace for Xpath
  87. List Files action should support Exclude
  88. Number steps
  89. Perforce label command
  90. Lab Manager - VMWare support
  91. Copy Files with absolute path
  92. Help for Write XML Action not up to date
  93. Service Action
  94. Document! X
  95. Parallel Step Execution
  96. MD5 and SHA1 build steps
  97. Wix Lit.exe support
  98. HTTP Step enhanced support
  99. Support for Manifest Edit Tool (mage.exe)
  100. Import previous session when burning CD/DVD?
  101. HTTP step: show progress
  102. Subroutine progress
  103. Version Control
  104. Version control using CMVC
  105. Name your own ADO recordset macros
  106. Password Locking Script
  107. Managing Hyper-V from VBP
  108. Disable /s option when building Wise Scripts
  109. Failure Steps column
  110. Reference in Script action
  111. Selection profile
  112. Remote execution using psexec
  113. Add a property grid or view window that displays the properties of a step
  114. Dashboard via Web interface
  115. Windows integrated authentication for "send mail" action
  116. Telnet action - separate timeout for each line of script
  117. Disconnect network drive with resource closing
  118. "Fail but continue" option
  119. Support for HelpNDoc
  120. Tooltip for recently opened files
  121. Copy/paste step properties and values
  122. Read macro actions - unable to set macro category
  123. Subroutine: Increase width of drop-down
  124. Subroutine: Name/Value macro parameters improvements
  125. Confluence action
  126. Build Time column
  127. Disable auto-scroll in Output pane
  128. Option for PowerShell script not to treat VBP characters as special
  129. Improved .bld file format
  130. VisBuildCmd should honor no output flag
  131. Help with parallel building
  132. Support for JSON, YAML
  133. Dark mode/High contrast mode for people with vision difficulties
  134. Reload current BLD script?
  135. Make "Project Properties" non-modal