View Full Version : How to import data from Excel?

06-03-2005, 11:01 AM
In Excel:
1) open the sheet to export to Ultra Recall
2) choose File | Save As from the menu
-- choose CSV (comma delimited) in the Save as type field
-- enter a filename
-- click Save
3) click OK (to only save the active sheet)

In Ultra Recall:
1) choose File | Import on the menu
2) choose 'A delimited text file (CSV)', click Next,
3) enter or browse to the file exported above
-- map any desired colums to Ultra Recall attributes (create any new attributes as necessary in Ultra Recall via the Attributes Editor button to map attributes not yet in Ultra Recall)
-- check 'Skip missing values'
-- check 'First row contains field names'
-- enter a Field Delimiter of , (comma)
-- enter a Text Qualifier of " (double quote)
-- choose an appropriate Template from the list
4) click Next, choose import location
5) click Finish

A separate item will be created in Ultra Recall for each Excel row exported.