View Full Version : Styling a Template's fields differently from field headings

06-26-2005, 04:16 PM
This might be a subtle bug. I have a template for books with the following headings in the details pane;







These headings are in Zap Elliptical font, size 14, bold. After the colon, I skip a space and select from that point, and format in Zap Humanist, 12 point, regular in all fields except "Title," which is italic.

The result seems haphazard. Most often everything in the fields, when filled in, comes out in Zaph Elliptical, the font of the headings. Usually it also appears as 14 point and bold. But sometimes it gets the font right and the size wrong, in varying combinations.

Stephen R. Diamond

06-27-2005, 09:06 AM
I tried this with different fonts (since I don't have the ones mentioned) and couldn't reproduce the problem. Could you zip and post or send a database with the problem template? Also, where can these fonts be obtained, or can you reproduce the problem with more common fonts? Thanks.

06-27-2005, 11:29 PM
If the problem doesn't occur for you, chances are I'm doing something wrong. I'm going to look at it some more, and I'll send you the requested information if I can't resolve the problem.