View Full Version : COM Automation and Visual C++ 6

06-30-2005, 10:08 AM
I am in the process of creating a C++ socket server to execute builds for our build system the problem that I am running into is that I can not create the builder COM Object. I have had no problem creating the Application COM object.
I can create the builder com object in visual basic but would prefer to do it in my C++ instead of calling out to a Visual Basic COM Object I create.

Here is some example code

This code works for creating the application object
VisBuildSvr::IApplicationPtr m_VisualBuild_AppPtr;

HRESULT hr= pVisBuildApp.CreateInstance (__uuidof(VisBuildSvr::Application));

This code does not work for creating the builder object
VisBuildSvr::IBuilderPtr m_BuilderPtr;

HRESULT hr=pVisBuilderPtr.CreateInstance (__uuidof(VisBuildSvr::Builder));

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you in advance,

06-30-2005, 12:09 PM
The attached VC6 console app succeeds creating both the app and builder when executed here. Note that it won't work if run by the VC6 debugger, since the license protection code prevents the builder component from being loaded by a debugger.

06-30-2005, 04:55 PM
Thank you,
I had the correct code all along but I was trying to run it in debug mode. thank you for your help,