View Full Version : Logging errors then resuming next 'Project Step' after a subroutine step fails

09-06-2005, 08:46 AM
Hi, firstly I'd like to say thankyou for the prompt and helpful answers I have received in the past. Now onto my next question :D

I have searched on this topic but couldnt find anything that matched my needs closely enough.

I have a large build script that builds a list of applications, for each application a generic subroutine is called that checks code out of sourcesafe, then determines what language the app is in and what compiler is needed by looking at the file extension and then finally checks the code back in.

I want it so that when any one of the subroutine steps fail, an event is fired to log the failure reason (syntax error on line 1643 or blahblah.cpp for instance) then attempt to check the code back in (with ignore fail on in case it cant cos it never checked out successfully) and then continue with the next step in project steps (each application is an individual subroutine call from here).

I've been trying to get this working but the 'failure steps' dont seem to fire if its a subroutine step that fails, and I wouldnt know how to call the 'next' item in the project steps list anyway.

It sounds simple and I'm sure I'm just going about things the wrong way, can you shed any light please. Many thanks in advance.

P.S Is there an easy way i could build an array/list up of each failed project so that in my build script i can choose not to build dependent code. i.e if dll1 dll2 or dll3 failed then dont build app1.

09-06-2005, 11:14 AM
That is not directly supported in v5 (although failure steps should get built if a subroutine not marked to ignore failure fails). Here is one approach along these lines, but it might not work for your needs: http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?threadid=437

With v6 (currently in beta [1]), you can simply mark the step to continue building after building failure steps.

See the vbld_*DelimValue system script functions [2] for ways to store a list of values for later processing/searching. With v6, you could also store a dictionary object in a temporary macro and utilize as necessary (see attached sample).

[1] http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthread.php?threadid=1218
[2] http://visualbuild.com/Manual/?sysscriptloop.htm

09-08-2005, 04:13 AM
Thanks for the detailed response, I have no problems using the beta software as it will mainly just be me that uses it in my company.
My existing CD-Key does not seem to work with this version however?

EDIT: Just noticed that we have to pay $149 to upgrade, time to go and persuade someone in accounts... ;D

09-08-2005, 05:12 AM
Hmm well its only £80 but my boss has decided that he doesn't want to fork out on it as we only purchased the software in March and he assumed it would be a free upgrade :(
If you're going to make us pay then I suppose i'll have to look into doing things in an alternate way with VBP5