View Full Version : Version 1.4a

01-11-2006, 01:36 PM
Released on <b>January 11, 2006</b>

<li>Add Open+Dismiss button to Reminder dialog.
<li>Align item/cell pictures at top (instead of centered vertically) when wrap cell text option enabled.
<li>Don't activate existing UR window when importing from Outlook add-in, IE toolbar, etc. (command-line import).
<li>Play sound on completion of import from other apps (Outlook toolbar, IE toolbar, Explorer send to menu, Firefox, etc.).
<li>Import Outlook task priority as High, Normal, Low instead of 1, 0, -1.

<b>Bug fixes</b>
<li>Import fixes: 1) Re-importing a folder (synchronize) doesn't refresh to show new grandchildren in tree if expanded; 2) Deleting after import (on move) didn't occur if import was stopped.
<li>Outlook integration: 1) support multiple profiles; 2) non-SMTP From addresses (Exchange profiles) aren't usable, instead use Name value.
<li>Related Item pane doesn't display children of Task items.
<li>Backspace, Del, and other keystrokes don't function as expected in Web toolbar combo box.
<li>Leap year error when advancing yearly recurrences.
<li>Don't include seconds on Insert Date+Time function and in Reminder dialog and message dates in Item Details pane.
<li>Opening item from Reminder dialog always expanded it if it had children.
<li>Fix Open containing folder and Open shortcut commands to handle relative paths.