View Full Version : BuildDone

04-20-2006, 04:25 PM
I am using the BuildDone event so that i may inform my users that the build has been completed. My problem is that i see that sometimes the build will complete without invoking this event, and sometimes it will invoke the event. Is there a reason why it is haphazard? This is my code:

builder.BuildMessage += new BuilderEvents_BuildMessageEventHandler(builder_Bui ldMessage);
builder.BuildDone += new BuilderEvents_BuildDoneEventHandler(builder_BuildD one);

private void builder_BuildMessage(string message)
this.message += message;

private void builder_BuildDone(BuildCompletionStatusEnum Status)

04-20-2006, 05:23 PM
I also want to add another question. Is it possible to run the builder.Start synchronously?

04-20-2006, 05:25 PM
I'm not able to reproduce that. Could you tweak the CSharpClient sample at Samples\ObjectModel\CSharpClient to reproduce the problem and ZIP and send or post it? Also include the info from Help | About | Install Info. Thanks.

That sample demonstrates asynchronous and synchronous builds via the object model.