View Full Version : Saving in item pane when using Word

06-26-2006, 03:52 PM
I use word to edit the material in the item pane. When I want to go to a new item payne, UR prompts me and asks if I want to Save Y/N or Cancel. I usually say yes and then there is a perceptible wait while something happens and then another message comes up saying that such-and-such a file is being saved.
I know that all of this is necessary but is it possible to make the item pane have as the default action to save the contents of the pane and to not prompt for this but to go immediately to the newly chosen item pane.
This is not a critical problem, just an annoyance. I have the feeling that it is there for my own safety, but if I could set the default to save, then moving between panes would be more transparent.

06-27-2006, 07:22 AM
That prompt is actually coming from MS Word; it's not something UR has control over (UR is actually hosting IE, which in turn is hosting Word). In my tests it seems you can avoid the prompt by saving within Word before switching to another item.