View Full Version : Bug?: Item Notes erased if making changes to stored document?

UR user
07-07-2006, 03:02 PM
I assume this is a bug.

1. Store a Word document in UR.

2. Open stored document to edit.

3. While editing doc (e.g., hilighting), type in a few notes into "Item Notes" pane.

4. Close doc, and agree to save.

5. Saving the new doc wipes out the Item Notes.

Surprising behavior, and in my view a bug. There's no reason that the stored payload of a document item must be tied to the item notes.

Any thoughts? Thanks.

07-07-2006, 05:04 PM
This appears to be a long-standing bug -- changes to Item Notes are lost when saving or leaving a stored document edited externally. A test build of v2.0c, which should resolve this issue, is available at http://www.kinook.com/Download/UltraRecallProBeta.exe