View Full Version : Using third-party url addresses in UR

Derek Cornish
07-12-2006, 01:40 AM
Some third-party programs offer access to their data via special url addresses. For example, Biblioscape (a bibliographic program) allows its program to be activated and a reference displayed by means of an cut-and-pasted url, e.g.:


Web Research (used to be ContentSaver) also allows one to copy the web address of data (e.g., htm pages and pdf files) to other programs, e.g.:


In MS-Word, for example, one activates "hyperlink" and pastes the address into a document, then Ctrl-clicks on it to activate the third-party program and open it to the data in question.

I am sure that an earlier version of UR allowed these addresses to be activated, but now I can't find a way of doing it. There appears to be no way of "turning on" the pasted addresses to make them into usable hyperlinks.

Can anyone help me out with this?


07-12-2006, 07:32 AM
I believe that the rich edit control (used for editing Text item details) will only show address beginning with a few well-known protocols (ftp://, http://, https://, mailto://, file://, news://, nntp://, outlook://, callto://, gopher://, telnet:// are ones I'm aware of) as a hyperlink. Another possibility is that some versions of the rich edit control (riched20.dll) do show other URLs as hyperlinks. Copying such a version to your UR install path (with UR not running) would cause UR to use that version.

You can still launch a url that isn't hyperlinked by selecting it and using right-click -> Open Shortcut (Ctrl+Q).

Another option would be to create a Document (or derived template) item and store the URL in its URL attribute. You could then launch it via Item | Open Document (Ctrl+J).