View Full Version : Stop Word Documents Opening Automatically

09-21-2006, 05:58 AM
Dear Kinook,

I have multiple word documents stored in UR. Is there a way to stop UR automatically opening the document in the viewing window?

I kind of remember being given the option before of being able to view the stored document or to edit it externally. I prefer editing the document outside UR so I can make Word full screen. I know I can do this by right clicking->open document but the fact that the file opens locally unnecessary it slows things down.

Many thanks,

09-21-2006, 07:06 AM
Remove .doc from 'Tools | Options | Browser | File extensions to display in internal browser'.

(the reverse of http://www.kinook.com/UR/Manual/internaloleedit.htm)

09-21-2006, 07:47 AM
Ah thank you!

Not sure if this helps but I was trying to find it in the tools > options > documents section which, to my mind, seemed the right place to look.

Perhaps have a field there "Files to view in internal browser" that is 'logically unioned' with the current place upon save.

Thanks again,