03-05-2007, 04:34 PM
Released on <b>March 5, 2007</b>
<b>New Features</b>
<li>Windows Vista compatibility.
<li>Office 2007 compatibility. *
<li>Two-way Outlook sync (see Outlook sample and help). *
<li>Two-way folder sync. *
<li>PDA sync (via Outlook/folder sync). *
<li>Add Search combo to view toolbar.
<li>Custom entry forms (Tools | Forms). *
<li>Print/preview/RTF export of contact/form fields plus item detail text. *
<li>Provide Shell drag formats when dragging items out of UR (to Explorer, Outlook message attachment, etc.).
<li>Internal (wiki) linking (via copy/paste and drag/drop from tree into Text items and Tree | Link with focus in details of text item).
<li>Add named hyperlinks to text items (Edit | Insert Hyperlink).
<li>Hoisting (Tree menu and toolbar). *
<li>Import/export sets. *
<li>Insert child/sibling tear-off toolbars.
<li>Support URL links to UR items from other applications (use ur://%DB_URL%?item=%ITEM_PATH% in Tools | Options | Miscellaneous | Item command-line format).
<li>Command-line export and synchronize. *
<li>Option to show parsed item text in Item Details pane for documents without a viewer (Tools | Options | Documents). *
<li>Option to show combined text for multiple selection (Tools | Options | Editor). *
<li>Option to prefer text/rich text clipboard format over URL, HTML, and Mime when pasting (Tools | Options | Import).
<li>Option to set focus to detail pane when going to an item (Tools | Options | Miscellaneous).
<li>Option to select parent item after delete in tree (Tools | Options | Trees).
<li>Keyword exclusion import/export capability (Tools | Keyword Exclusions); add more keyword exclusions to default list.
<li>Add option to launch favorite externally with Ctrl held down (Tools | Options | Miscellaneous).
<li>Simplified tagging/categorizing via the Item Keywords dialog (Item | Keywords or Ctrl+K).
<li>Option to search only user-defined keywords (tags).
<li>Support for OR in Quick search expressions.
<li>Optimized phrase search and more ways to perform phrase searches (within double quotes in quick search or (Item) contains keywords advanced search).
<li>Option to show only one taskbar icon with multiple databases open (Tools | Options | General).
<li>Preserve tab state between sessions.
<li>Open new tab by clicking small blank tab.
<li>Allow modification of some system attribute properties (Flag names, category, list values, and auto-completion properties). *
<li>Support customization of context (right-click) menus (Tools | Options | Customize | Menus).
<li>Add Office 2007 theme option.
<li>Add Lineage to Reminder dialog (right-click column header).
<li>Editing of item rich text on built-in Contact form; resizing of form fields.
<li>Web import optimizations: Use IE cached version of file if available and up-to-date; add option to always use IE cached version (without comparing with server version) of file if available (Tools | Options | Import (More)).
<li>Ability to sort the Related Items pane in same order as tree when manually ordered (by displaying and sorting by Tree Order attribute -- enable via Tools | Options | Attributes).
<li>Ability to create custom form for Contact items. *
<li>Remember last text and highlight color between sessions.
<li>Native support for import of Outlook notes and signed messages. *
<li>RTF export of multiple selection including stored document items exports document text if available.
<li>Hold Alt key down when selecting a document item to prevent display in its associated viewer.
<li>Retain vertical position after move left in tree if siblings are manually sorted.
<li>Make Billing Info, Company, and Location system attributes auto-complete.
<li>Option of including auto-generated keywords in XML export.
<li>Support 'rename to selected text' in MIME/MSG viewer.
<li>Handle proxy authorization request on web page import.
<li>Clicking on date field in Item Attributes pane will no longer uncheck date.
<li>Increase date control height in Item Attributes pane.
<li>Define toolbar images for Go | Next/Prev Item and First/Prev/Next/Last Sibling.
<li>Way to save all externally modified documents (Tools menu).
<li>Intelligent launching of email addresses (via Item | Open Shortcut or Ctrl+Q).
<li>Uninstall option to not delete user configuration settings.
<li>Ignore error retrieving contents of linked file for display in details pane.
<li>Show buttons on floating pane captions.
<li>Always show +/- button area on automatic horizontal scrolling, even if item has no children.
<li>Treat .dot files the same as .doc.
<li>Reopen any .urd files in EXE path on startup.
<li>Show area to left of item without children when auto-scrolling.
<li>Change default shortcut for Add Reminder from Alt+X to Ctrl+Shift+R to allow entry of Alt-X key codes in rich text editor.
<li>Simplified license info entry.
<li>Additional samples.
<b>Bug fixes</b>
<li>Workaround for some versions of rich edit control where pasting image doesn't display immediately.
<li>Process background images in CSS files when importing web pages.
<li>Exclude style tags from Item Text of imported web pages.
<li>Outlook appointment Weekly recurring period imported as Monthly; Outlook task % Complete field doesn't import.
<li>Outlook toolbar buttons don't work in additional instances of Outlook; position not sticking for some users.
<li>F2/Shift+F2 shortcuts (rename to selected text) don't work in web page viewer.
<li>Attribute auto-completion list can be incomplete with many items having non-unique values.
<li>Prevent internal editing of linked documents (previously would store internally on save).
<li>Error when editing row after copy/paste in Advanced search grid.
<li>Fix for error that could occur in rare circumstances loading empty quick search.
<li>Changing the template of an item causes renaming to work incorrectly.
<li>Cross-database copy problem when selection includes items with different user-defined templates.
<li>Modifying columns for Related Items pane via Columns dialog removes sorting.
<li>Insert with floating tree pane moves focus to Item Details pane.
<li>Immediately refresh Favorites to reflect permanent delete.
<li>Import failure of unreachable URL that was continued by the user would not fully import local files encountered later during the import.
<li>When first file encountered during import of a folder fails and import is continued, the import fails with 'recursive links not allowed' error message.
<li>Page setup margins dialog doesn't respond to up/down buttons and performs incorrect conversion between inches/centimeters.
* = Professional edition only
<b>New Features</b>
<li>Windows Vista compatibility.
<li>Office 2007 compatibility. *
<li>Two-way Outlook sync (see Outlook sample and help). *
<li>Two-way folder sync. *
<li>PDA sync (via Outlook/folder sync). *
<li>Add Search combo to view toolbar.
<li>Custom entry forms (Tools | Forms). *
<li>Print/preview/RTF export of contact/form fields plus item detail text. *
<li>Provide Shell drag formats when dragging items out of UR (to Explorer, Outlook message attachment, etc.).
<li>Internal (wiki) linking (via copy/paste and drag/drop from tree into Text items and Tree | Link with focus in details of text item).
<li>Add named hyperlinks to text items (Edit | Insert Hyperlink).
<li>Hoisting (Tree menu and toolbar). *
<li>Import/export sets. *
<li>Insert child/sibling tear-off toolbars.
<li>Support URL links to UR items from other applications (use ur://%DB_URL%?item=%ITEM_PATH% in Tools | Options | Miscellaneous | Item command-line format).
<li>Command-line export and synchronize. *
<li>Option to show parsed item text in Item Details pane for documents without a viewer (Tools | Options | Documents). *
<li>Option to show combined text for multiple selection (Tools | Options | Editor). *
<li>Option to prefer text/rich text clipboard format over URL, HTML, and Mime when pasting (Tools | Options | Import).
<li>Option to set focus to detail pane when going to an item (Tools | Options | Miscellaneous).
<li>Option to select parent item after delete in tree (Tools | Options | Trees).
<li>Keyword exclusion import/export capability (Tools | Keyword Exclusions); add more keyword exclusions to default list.
<li>Add option to launch favorite externally with Ctrl held down (Tools | Options | Miscellaneous).
<li>Simplified tagging/categorizing via the Item Keywords dialog (Item | Keywords or Ctrl+K).
<li>Option to search only user-defined keywords (tags).
<li>Support for OR in Quick search expressions.
<li>Optimized phrase search and more ways to perform phrase searches (within double quotes in quick search or (Item) contains keywords advanced search).
<li>Option to show only one taskbar icon with multiple databases open (Tools | Options | General).
<li>Preserve tab state between sessions.
<li>Open new tab by clicking small blank tab.
<li>Allow modification of some system attribute properties (Flag names, category, list values, and auto-completion properties). *
<li>Support customization of context (right-click) menus (Tools | Options | Customize | Menus).
<li>Add Office 2007 theme option.
<li>Add Lineage to Reminder dialog (right-click column header).
<li>Editing of item rich text on built-in Contact form; resizing of form fields.
<li>Web import optimizations: Use IE cached version of file if available and up-to-date; add option to always use IE cached version (without comparing with server version) of file if available (Tools | Options | Import (More)).
<li>Ability to sort the Related Items pane in same order as tree when manually ordered (by displaying and sorting by Tree Order attribute -- enable via Tools | Options | Attributes).
<li>Ability to create custom form for Contact items. *
<li>Remember last text and highlight color between sessions.
<li>Native support for import of Outlook notes and signed messages. *
<li>RTF export of multiple selection including stored document items exports document text if available.
<li>Hold Alt key down when selecting a document item to prevent display in its associated viewer.
<li>Retain vertical position after move left in tree if siblings are manually sorted.
<li>Make Billing Info, Company, and Location system attributes auto-complete.
<li>Option of including auto-generated keywords in XML export.
<li>Support 'rename to selected text' in MIME/MSG viewer.
<li>Handle proxy authorization request on web page import.
<li>Clicking on date field in Item Attributes pane will no longer uncheck date.
<li>Increase date control height in Item Attributes pane.
<li>Define toolbar images for Go | Next/Prev Item and First/Prev/Next/Last Sibling.
<li>Way to save all externally modified documents (Tools menu).
<li>Intelligent launching of email addresses (via Item | Open Shortcut or Ctrl+Q).
<li>Uninstall option to not delete user configuration settings.
<li>Ignore error retrieving contents of linked file for display in details pane.
<li>Show buttons on floating pane captions.
<li>Always show +/- button area on automatic horizontal scrolling, even if item has no children.
<li>Treat .dot files the same as .doc.
<li>Reopen any .urd files in EXE path on startup.
<li>Show area to left of item without children when auto-scrolling.
<li>Change default shortcut for Add Reminder from Alt+X to Ctrl+Shift+R to allow entry of Alt-X key codes in rich text editor.
<li>Simplified license info entry.
<li>Additional samples.
<b>Bug fixes</b>
<li>Workaround for some versions of rich edit control where pasting image doesn't display immediately.
<li>Process background images in CSS files when importing web pages.
<li>Exclude style tags from Item Text of imported web pages.
<li>Outlook appointment Weekly recurring period imported as Monthly; Outlook task % Complete field doesn't import.
<li>Outlook toolbar buttons don't work in additional instances of Outlook; position not sticking for some users.
<li>F2/Shift+F2 shortcuts (rename to selected text) don't work in web page viewer.
<li>Attribute auto-completion list can be incomplete with many items having non-unique values.
<li>Prevent internal editing of linked documents (previously would store internally on save).
<li>Error when editing row after copy/paste in Advanced search grid.
<li>Fix for error that could occur in rare circumstances loading empty quick search.
<li>Changing the template of an item causes renaming to work incorrectly.
<li>Cross-database copy problem when selection includes items with different user-defined templates.
<li>Modifying columns for Related Items pane via Columns dialog removes sorting.
<li>Insert with floating tree pane moves focus to Item Details pane.
<li>Immediately refresh Favorites to reflect permanent delete.
<li>Import failure of unreachable URL that was continued by the user would not fully import local files encountered later during the import.
<li>When first file encountered during import of a folder fails and import is continued, the import fails with 'recursive links not allowed' error message.
<li>Page setup margins dialog doesn't respond to up/down buttons and performs incorrect conversion between inches/centimeters.
* = Professional edition only