View Full Version : Another bug

03-23-2007, 07:48 PM
With UR configured to use Word 2007 as viewer and editor of text docs, and with a word doc in the templates folder the following bug reas its head:

Right click a folder, select insert child, select the word doc template item.
In the new item, add some text.
Click on a different item in the explorer tree.

A save dialog pops up for the document you just left. This is annoying but not the bug.
Once you click yes to the save dialog, an error pops up saying either that normal.dotm is in use and locked or that the template file is in use and locked.



03-26-2007, 09:48 AM
It's actually Word that displays the prompt about unsaved changes (which is expected if it hasn't been saved explicitly within Word), and it would have to be Word displaying an error about normal.dot, but I'm not sure what could cause that. Following those steps doesn't result in that error message in our tests.

04-04-2007, 04:39 PM
this was fixed.

I had an old copy of a hidden file named "~$Normal.dotm" in "C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates"

I deleted it and all other files with "normal" as part of their name from the above directory.

Evidently, when UR uses Word to view an item in the browser pane it creates a temporary copy of Normal.dotm, whitch is the Office 2007 version of normal.dot. because I already had an old temp version of Normal.dotm, it could not creat one but did not error out untill I had made changes in the parent doc.