View Full Version : Scrollbar Greyed Out

04-24-2007, 06:27 AM

I'm encoutering a minor - but annoying - issue with the task form. Whenever I paste some large amount of text in the contents of a task (the RTF part of the form), enough contents to span over the visible area, the vertical scrollbar doesn't react. It should be activated and allow me to scroll up and down, but it doesn't.

The RTF pane itself is working as I can scroll using the scroll button of my mouse. It's just that the vertical scrollbar is greyed out, as if no contents was in the RTF pane.

Now, when I activate another item in UR, and come back to the offending task, the scrollbar appears... Aha. At least I don't have to reboot the PC ;-)

So, is it something related to a specific setup on my laptop? It's pretty standard (XP SP2, UR 3.0.4 portable).


04-24-2007, 06:46 AM
I think it's a problem of UR, of not refreshing the window pane properties after pasting some data, there was a similar problem in the earlier versions of UR with pasting images ...

for the moment, hit F5 (reload) after pasting ...

04-24-2007, 08:58 AM
It appears to be a bug in the rich edit control used by UR. For now, use F5 (View | Refresh) to cause the scroll bar to update and become scrollable. Scrolling is implemented by the MS rich edit control, and I'm not sure why it is not refreshing properly when pasting in this situation (only when on a form), but we'll investigate adding an option to automatically refresh.

04-24-2007, 11:59 AM
Thanks for your quick answers guys.

I can definitely live with it, hitting 'F5' while waiting for it to be automated.
