05-24-2007, 07:35 PM
Example of a Hyperlink property
Text: CANTER v. AMERICAN INS. CO., 28 U.S. 307 (1830)
File/URL: ur://C:/Law/Case%20Law.urd?item=1116,1029,1026,1000
These Hyperlinks references are in my main database (C:\Law\JSoTA.Urd), and what I ultimately want to do is import all these Items from the external database (C:\Law\Case Law.urd) and then change the Hyperlink references in the text items to my main database (which of course would not have a .urd value becaue its local)
Text: CANTER v. AMERICAN INS. CO., 28 U.S. 307 (1830)
File/URL: ur://C:/Law/Case%20Law.urd?item=1116,1029,1026,1000
These Hyperlinks references are in my main database (C:\Law\JSoTA.Urd), and what I ultimately want to do is import all these Items from the external database (C:\Law\Case Law.urd) and then change the Hyperlink references in the text items to my main database (which of course would not have a .urd value becaue its local)