View Full Version : SHOW_CMD, what is that?

06-25-2007, 03:13 PM

Does anyone know what SHOW_CMD macro does or means? It is a temporary macro that is created when I run the Get command on a Surround SCM action step. It pops up prompting me for a value, for which I just put '0' and it continues with the process just fine. I can't remember if it shows up on other occasions, but I always handle it the same way.

Why is it created and is it important? Should I make it a project macro with a value of '0' so that it won't disrupt the run process? Is that possible? Thank you in advance.

06-25-2007, 03:22 PM
You probably copied a Surround SCM step from the Surround SCM.bld sample (which contains a projec macro SHOW_CMD set to 0) into another project. The steps in the sample use a field override (http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/actionfieldoverride.htm) for the 'Show command-line constructed for call' field referencing the macro SHOW_CMD. Since that macro isn't defined in your project, VBP prompts (http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/promptsample.htm) for its value.

To avoid prompting, you can either remove the field override for that field of the Surround SCM step or create a project macro with that name and a value of 0.