View Full Version : Better support of hyperlinks/wiki links

10-29-2007, 07:05 PM
I'm starting to repeat myself on several suggestions, never mind ;-)

I'd welcome better support of links:

1. please improve search for hyperlinks. How can I find links when they are hidden behind name? Say I have a link named bla, with link to google.com, how to perform search that would find google.com?

2. More importantly, I'd like to be able to find links to another items inside UR (so instead of google.com I'd look for sth like ur:///?item=1217,1216). At the moment, I can only use the same name as the item title and just search for string. When I am at the item that links to somewhere, I can see hyperlinks. But when I'm on the other side, I have no way of telling which items link here.

Having links to another items is great, but it is necessary to find/see links to a given item. We have connection to children through child pane, we have connection to parents through parents pane, please add "LINKS pane" or "REFERENCE pane" that would display items having a link to current item.

And what would be the best, if clicking on an item in the "LINKS pane" would go exactly to the point where the item is referenced.

Thanks a lot for consideration!

10-30-2007, 05:49 PM
I'm reluctant to use UR as a document manager for linked files before there is a way to tell what other items link to that doc inside database. At the moment I'd have to use two hyperlinks, one in the source and one in the target, but that completely defeats their purpose ...

Any view on this?

10-30-2007, 08:08 PM
The idea is a good one, I agree.

I'd also love it if you could create "reciprocal links" in a single operation - sort of like a tunnel from one item to another which lets you go back and forth by clicking the link.


10-31-2007, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by wordmuse
I'd also love it if you could create "reciprocal links" in a single operation - sort of like a tunnel from one item to another which lets you go back and forth by clicking the link.
but isn't this provided by logical links?

And where would be reciprocal link created? Suppose item is a document, it has no item text. Maybe in item notes ... but I don't know

10-31-2007, 08:38 AM
More than a decade ago, there was a DOS program that did this called IZE. The way it worked was this. You started a hyperlink operation. It placed a starting marker in the current item. You then opened the destination item and ended the operation, whereupon IZE placed a similar marker in the destination item.

Clicking on the marker shuttled you back and forth between the items.

So - logical links gets you close. And as I think about it, it may even be an improvement given the additional complexity that URP3 has over IZE.

I may have to (buy I'm not yet ready to) withdraw my request in this regard. I have to have a little think... :)
