12-28-2007, 12:07 PM
If user sorts on pending reminder, items w/o pending reminder will float to the top while those w pending reminders will float to the bottom in proper sorting order.
Question, why should null sort this way. I guess it's because nothing < than something but not for practical matters as in my example.
Does anyone have a workaround? I want those items w/o pending reminder in the related items pane but at the bottom. However if I do this the pending reminder dates are listed backwards, i.e. nearest pending reminder is @ bottom.
Does this require a technical adjustment in the way URp handles sort function?
Question, why should null sort this way. I guess it's because nothing < than something but not for practical matters as in my example.
Does anyone have a workaround? I want those items w/o pending reminder in the related items pane but at the bottom. However if I do this the pending reminder dates are listed backwards, i.e. nearest pending reminder is @ bottom.
Does this require a technical adjustment in the way URp handles sort function?