View Full Version : SyncBuildEX problem

05-20-2008, 07:06 AM
Hi, please, can you help me in my question?

I'm starting build using web page and method SynchBuildEx.
I pass SyncBuildEx(true, "username", "domain", "password", false, true);

Where username - the name of the user (administrator of the computer), domain - domain of user, password- password.

And then build fails on the first step (copy files) with error: access denied.

But if i give full control user rights for the folder i process with copy files - it works well.

I know that it is not secure to leave user full control rights of folder.

Can you help me to solve this problem, because i can't even imagine why administartor can't access folder.


05-20-2008, 10:59 AM
The error message is returned by Windows, not VBP. The Copy Files action uses Windows APIs such as CopyFileEx, SetFileAttributes, etc., and the user the build runs under will need the permissions required by these APIs.

05-22-2008, 06:30 AM
I've tried even to run script at the first step through web interface with

Project.Save "", False

and it fails with error "access denied", but if i run it through GUI or CMD it runs successfully.

I'm confused with this. If you have any suggestions, please reply

Thanks a lot

05-22-2008, 07:47 AM
The username/password parameters of SyncBuildEx only apply to other processes started by the build. The identity of the build thread itself (and actions like Copy Files, Run Script, etc., which execute on that thread) when called from WebLauncher depends on the context of the page/code invoking the VBP object model.

05-22-2008, 10:13 AM
big thx, it helped.

If it is not hard for you, can you please provide source code with synchronization and reading stdout during nowait execution.

Thanks a lot