View Full Version : StepDone fires early on subroutine calls

10-31-2008, 06:08 AM
I have a StepStarting and StepDone handler that I use to time a source control action.

Recently I moved the source control action into a subroutine so I could do several things and call it from multiple places. However this breaks my timing scripts, as the StepDone fires immediately that the subroutine starts

This seems counter intuitive to me - the step hasn't finished - it's waiting on all the subroutine steps. I've attached a simple sample. which outputs:
Wibble subroutine
what I want to see is:
Wibble subroutine
Is there any way I can work around this? (Other than moving all the timing out as separate steps before and after the subroutine call - but that's not as neat and means any other users need to know to copy three steps, rather than just one.)

10-31-2008, 11:12 AM
You could use project-level script events:

Sub vbld_StepStartingProject()

If Step.Action = "SourceSafe" Then ' replace with source control action being used
' record step starting time
End If

End Sub

Sub vbld_StepDoneProject()

If Step.Action = "SourceSafe" Then
' log elapsed time, etc.
End If

End Sub
