View Full Version : Switching tabs loses vertical scroll position

03-12-2009, 02:00 AM
Hi, this bug has just been driving me crazy ever since I
started using UR.. I'm pretty sure I've reported it
before, but I guess it hasn't been isolated yet.
Apologies if this is considered a (mis-)feature, but it
feels like a bug from my perspective.

When you click from tab A to tab B, then click back to
tab A it will scroll the view back to the top of the Info
Item. Often I deal with lengthy Info Items so this is
obviously a pain.

The Opera web browser saves vertical scroll position in
ALL forms of "history".. in memory and in session state.

Firefox only more recently got on the ball with better
history features, but nevertheless this kind of
functionality is the norm now, so I think UR would do
well to duplicate it.

Another, perhaps related bug is that about half the time
the vertical scroll bar will be rendered greyed-out for
lengthy, multi-page Info Items.... it is still possible to
navigate down using the keyboard, however.

Thanks for listening

03-12-2009, 04:21 AM
Hi Teratorn,

Thanks for posting your "bug" report.
In order for UR to "remember" your last "vertical" position in a particular pane, you have to tell UR by clicking your left-mouse button at the position you desire. When you return back to that particular pane, your "desired" position never changes.

Sorry, I can't duplicate your greyed-out vertical scroll bar.

BTW, you may wish to download the latest version of UR.
Version: 3.5d
Date: February 24, 2009
from http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/download.html.


03-12-2009, 10:45 AM
For web pages, the scroll position is retained when switching tabs. For text items, the cursor position (and the scroll position to make the cursor position visible) is retained when switching tabs.

I have occasionally seen the rich text control display a disabled scroll bar when there is text to scroll (still accessible via the keyboard). Restarting UR fixes this problem in my tests when this happens. This behavior appears to be a glitch in the MS rich edit control. You might experiment with different versions to see if it works better for some.

03-12-2009, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by kinook
For web pages, the scroll position is retained when switching tabs. For text items, the cursor position (and the scroll position to make the cursor position visible) is retained when switching tabs.

I have occasionally seen the rich text control display a disabled scroll bar when there is text to scroll (still accessible via the keyboard). Restarting UR fixes this problem in my tests when this happens. This behavior appears to be a glitch in the MS rich edit control. You might experiment with different versions to see if it works better for some.

Thanks for the clarification.. nice to know that it's
*supposed* to work intuatively. :)
I will experiment with switching out the Rich Edit
Control DLL. (*sigh* Micro$oft)