View Full Version : Send from UR using Thunderbird

07-10-2009, 07:45 PM
Trying to use the "send" to send a file out of UR using Thunderbird have been trying copy past will work but using send will not get a failed mesage
System: HP 3ram running vista ultimate.

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere else but I could not find it

07-10-2009, 10:04 PM
UR uses the standard MAPISendMail (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd296721(VS.85).aspx) method for File | Send (similar to what is used for right-click -> Send To -> Mail Recipient in Explorer). In my tests with Outlook 2007, Windows Mail, and Thunderbird on Vista, making any of those the default mail client and restarting Windows causes that mail app to be used for File | Send in UR and Send To -> Mail Recipient in Explorer. I don't know how to diagnose if this isn't working for you. Maybe try uninstalling/reinstalling Thunderbird.

07-11-2009, 01:51 AM
Thanks Kinook for the fast replay. Followed you advise and it is working fine. I found out that Window Explorer send didn't work either reinstalling thunderbird fixed the problem. This is a new computer and the problem started when I just had a look at outlook nothing else and even outlook has been un-installed it still stopped me from using Thunderbird in those situation



07-14-2009, 04:44 AM
There is a problem with version of Thunderbird under Vista and Windows 7: if you upgrade to this version sending of attachments from anywhere (Explorer, etc) stops working. I had to revert to the previous version to get this functionality again.

07-14-2009, 04:12 PM
I have the same problem updating to the latest version of Thunderbird in Vista it stopped working again. So re-installed the previous version no it is working again. This problem is not only with UR but with all other program incl. WE
