View Full Version : sliding dates

08-28-2010, 09:36 AM
I have tasks associated with various projects. They have various beginning and ending dates associated with them. Sometimes something happens that causes the entire project to slide. For example, unexpectedly having to fly out to pick up sweepstakes winnings. (I wish!)

So all the tasks associated with the project might have to slide, say, 2 days.

I'd like to be able to select any or all tasks and apply a "slides by" operation to the selected tasks, by a specified number of days. So if one task is due to begin on Wednesday and another on Saturday, and I'm sliding by 2 days, after execution of this command, they would start on Friday and Monday, respectively.

Standard disclaimer applies: I have no idea how difficult to implement; nor how useful to others. However, I suspect it would be useful to others. :)

- Bal