View Full Version : Lock global subs

10-10-2012, 08:29 AM
I have VB 8 on my build machines, we have a number of team memebers that log in and perform builds. We are having an issue were someone is altering the Global Subs, is there a way to prevent them from making changes or present a warning. I was even thinking of making that Global Subs Read Only if it was stored in a file somewhere.

Any idea's?

10-10-2012, 10:18 AM
You could make the global steps file read-only (see Tools | Application Options | File Locations to determine where it is), and if the global steps are modified, the build will fail with

Failed to create 'C:\Path\To\VisBuildPro.steps': Access is denied.

10-10-2012, 10:59 AM
Thanks that works!