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There is no relationship between 'Stored Document Size' and 'Item Rich Text' in the File | Properties dialog, nor any reason to expect one to be larger or smaller than the other.
Stored Document Size is the total size of any documents stored in the .urd file (PDF files, stored web pages, Word documents, etc.). Item Rich Text is the total size of any rich text in the .urd file (from non-document items [i.e., Text, Task, Contact, etc.] and Item Notes). And both documents and rich text are stored compressed in the .urd file. These numbers don't include space used to index keywords in documents (whether stored or linked) or rich text. If linked documents are keyworded by UR, that can add to the size of the .urd file (and make searches much quicker -- there is always a tradeoff between size and speed). You could use SQLite to delete all auto-generated keywords from a database: http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthre...?threadid=2825 (and then compact the database). |
Mea Culpa...
Ah, I understand now. What threw me off was that in our beloved "help" file, in the Database Properties Dialog, you can see Stored Doc. Size as 122,907 bytes and Item Rich Text as 32,128 bytes, so I assumed, mistakenly, that the latter should be smaller than the former. You might want to add this information to future new and improved help files because I don't think I'm the only dummy who might be confused by this.
Re: Re: Re: Frustrating, to Put It Mildly
Re: Re: Re: Re: Frustrating, to Put It Mildly
I take no particular exception to the added size of the database. My problem has always been with UR's speed. Importing, exporting, copying from the web have been improved over time, but are still quite slow when compared to some other programs. One could also make an arguement that indexing does not have to increase searching speed. Just look at programs that do not index (and the relatively small size of their databases). I am referring to Info Select and askSam (the professional version indexes, the other does not). However, nothing is close to URs versatility, consistency, and depth. Jon |
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