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armsys 09-12-2009 05:52 AM

Loss of Vertical Bar
1 Attachment(s)
For long document, the right side vertical bar is missing.

armsys 09-13-2009 02:34 AM

Hi bookman,
Do you have the trouble with Kinook's UR manual? Not sure why. All right-hand vertical scroll bars are lost in Detail Pane. That's, only top portion of the content can be read. It only happens in Kinook's UR manual. I decompile other chm but find no trouble whatsoever.

bookman 09-13-2009 02:46 AM

Yep, same problem for me.

There is no vertical scroll bar.

The content is still there and you can verify that simply by Left mouse click and hold and drag the mouse down beyond the bottom of the detail pane.

I cannot recall if this problem was there before.

armsys 09-13-2009 03:00 AM

Hi Bookman,

Thanks for your fast reply.
Wow, I didn't know your trick. Yea, it works but works awkwardly. The latter is meant for selection.
Bookman, it only happens first time in 4.0.
I have decompiled Access 2007 Inside Out. Everything is perfect, including the vertical scroll bar. Of course, I hope the Ctrl+Shift+0 (zero) can be set permanently.
Kinook's _UltraRecall is the one URD having the trouble.


bookman 09-13-2009 09:10 PM

I reloaded the 1st Manual that Kinook supplied us and noted that the vertical scroll bars in the detail pane are there.

I however noted that the format of the help file was somewhat different from that of the 2nd Manual without the vertical bars.

I guess, only Kinook can help us resolve this. But I think we are getting close.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

If I may just ask,

1. You mentioned decompiling the Access 2007 Inside Out help file. Which decompilier did you use ?

2. Could you then use the same decompiler on the Ultra Recall help file and see what happens.

I really hope we can get to the bottom of this.

I think beyond just learning to use Ultra Recall more effectively, Ultra Recall can become a tool for us to learn other software more effectively as well by annotating and adding notes/highlights to the help files of these other software we are currently using.

armsys 09-13-2009 09:37 PM

Hi Bookman,
Thanks for your suggestion. I just decompile C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\UltraRecall.chm but find it troublesome. All htm contents are blank. Something went wrong with Kinook's original chm manual.

armsys 09-13-2009 09:40 PM

Hi Bookman,

Another shocking discovery: Kinook's decompiled manuals works fine in IE but not Firefox!.


kinook 09-14-2009 10:59 AM

The decompiled HTML had a noscroll directive in the pages. I removed that from the HTML pages and updated

bookman 09-14-2009 11:21 PM

Great, works. The Vertical Scroll bar is back.

Hopefully, we can enable Edit Web Page enabled and made sticky within the entire file until we turn it off.


armsys 09-15-2009 05:22 AM

Literally, I have to press Ctrl+Shift+0 hundred times a day, I find it very irritating and unreasonable. It doesn't make any sense to have the webpage automatically locked again and again and again.

bookman 09-15-2009 09:12 AM

Agree with you absolutely - I cannot appreciate the reason behind this.

I don't know the rationale behind this auto-locking - Hopefully it's not to protect us from ourselves - so that we do not inadvertently.

I think most if not all UR users are mature enough to look after themselves in this area.

But if it is for some other reason, then maybe there's is a good reason for it.

Perhaps Kinook can remove this annoyance from us poor users or at least give us the option of consciously disabling in the options.

kinook 10-14-2009 06:18 PM

This is available in v4.1 (Tools | Options | Documents | Automatically begin editing web page items when selected).

armsys 10-14-2009 09:10 PM


Originally posted by kinook
This is available in v4.1 (Tools | Options | Documents | Automatically begin editing web page items when selected).
That's much needed feature. Before the 4.1 upgrade, I use Word to edit the content to my satisfaction. Then I copy it back to UR. In any case, UR doesn't offer wildcard replace and paragraph height (eg, 12 pt before and 6 pt after paragraph). Nonetheless, the direct editing in UR will save enormous time.
Thanks a lot.

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