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kinook 01-27-2005 04:03 PM

Ah. Parent Title shouldn't be in the list of searchable attributes (as that capability is not currently implemented). You can do a search for the parents via an Advanced search of:

Item Title matches wildcard @*
and Has Children equals Yes

(make sure Has Children is checked in Tools | Options | Attributes if it doesn't show in the list of attributes in the search grid).

We'll consider adding this capability in a future release.

wussery 01-27-2005 09:30 PM


Originally posted by kinook
Ah. Parent Title shouldn't be in the list of searchable attributes (as that capability is not currently implemented). You can do a search for the parents via an Advanced search of:

Item Title matches wildcard @*
and Has Children equals Yes

(make sure Has Children is checked in Tools | Options | Attributes if it doesn't show in the list of attributes in the search grid).

We'll consider adding this capability in a future release.

I have Parent Title selected as the Attribute in my template, but I'm using "contains keywords" as the Comparison operator and I have *@ as the value and this "appears" to be working for me. I also have To-Do >= to Today's Date and FLAG is indented to the right of the To-Do row. All operators on the left are AND. The only problem I'm having with the searches, is the issue with the "=" operator is not working properly for dates. So, if you're looking for something >= to Today's date, it will only process the > date. Bummer.

wussery 01-28-2005 10:42 PM


Originally posted by kinook
Ah. Parent Title shouldn't be in the list of searchable attributes (as that capability is not currently implemented). You can do a search for the parents via an Advanced search of:

Item Title matches wildcard @*
and Has Children equals Yes

(make sure Has Children is checked in Tools | Options | Attributes if it doesn't show in the list of attributes in the search grid).

We'll consider adding this capability in a future release.

The Parent Title search option is critical to add to your next version. This will facilitate searching based on a folder structure of Parent/Child. To only be able to search on the Child item, really limits the flexibility of the program. This is not an attack, but an observation from a person that would like to see this product succeed.

To give you an example. In my GTD template I have a Folder called Next Actions (Parent Folder) and Subfolders called @Computer, @Customer Site, @Email, @Meetings, @Phone, etc. It is these folders that I would like to place my Tasks, which will be children of the @ folders.

It would be advantageous to do a query of one's database to show ALL task regardless of context that are due today or within the next 7 days AND have NOT been Completed. This Search criterion above would yield all data from ANY of my @ folders as long as the date contraint is met and the task has not been completed. Without the Parent Title Search option, I have to build a query for each @folder.... not elegant.

VincentPeppe 02-04-2005 08:58 AM

Re: Getting Things Done Template 1.1, by Wil Ussery

Originally posted by wussery
I have uploaded a templated based on David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology to the forum. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Without a robust text editor, and without the "one pane with columns" approach of Ecco, I don't see UR as a potential PIM or Project Manager. It beats Windows Explorer as a way to aggregate related documents and images, but it has no tools for outlining tasks in hierarchies.

I am still looking for an Ecco replacement and have had trouble installing Ecco on a Windows XP machine. I am also searching for a research collector, annotator, that can receive feeds.

Nonetheless, UR is beautifully executed. The care and attention, and style, shine through.

wussery 02-04-2005 09:24 PM

Re: Re: Getting Things Done Template 1.1, by Wil Ussery

Originally posted by VincentPeppe
Without a robust text editor, and without the "one pane with columns" approach of Ecco, I don't see UR as a potential PIM or Project Manager. It beats Windows Explorer as a way to aggregate related documents and images, but it has no tools for outlining tasks in hierarchies. Also, while it can collect web pages, it does not automatically capture the URL string or any other information about the page, as does Onfolio.

I am still looking for an Ecco replacement and have had trouble installing Ecco on a Windows XP machine. I am also searching for a research collector, annotator, that can receive feeds.

Nonetheless, UR is beautifully executed. The care and attention, and style, shine through.

All I can say is go to the suggestions area and post what you would like to see in a future version of UR.

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