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dasymington 09-16-2007 12:09 PM

Yes, I can see that happens the way you describe, quant; but it doesn't explain the problem I've had as I never use shift+delete.

janrif 09-16-2007 12:55 PM


Originally posted by dasymington
Yes, I can see that happens the way you describe, quant; but it doesn't explain the problem I've had as I never use shift+delete.
From all the posts it does appear to me that some/all of these reported problems have tabs in common.

For example, I can report that if in tab #1 I have an automated search, i.e. search when gets focus & in tab #2 I have a linked URL (either local or not) & URL is trying to resolve & I close tab, IDI focus then shifts to tab #1 thus forcing two functions to occur at the same time & on my machine this will invariably cause an error.

It's like the clash of the titons. Does this mean that URp can't handle overlapped processes? I don't pretend to be smart enough to answer that question but I am now careful not to create this situation.

All the problems I've reported seem to be rooted in tabs.

I've had data loss while entering data into tabbed window when duplicate tabs are present but not always. I try not to let this happen. This may be related to Quant's report. But I assume entering data into 2 tabs simultaneously qualifies as two functions....??

Like you, I don't use + either & I certainly won' t now.

quant 09-16-2007 01:06 PM


Originally posted by dasymington
Yes, I can see that happens the way you describe, quant; but it doesn't explain the problem I've had as I never use shift+delete.
shift-delete is just a shortcut, i doesn't make difference, you can delete and then empty recycle bin, ... same thing.
The basic problems is, deleting item while it's still active in another tab ...

kinook 09-17-2007 04:50 PM

Thanks to quant's support info, we were able to reproduce this problem: if an item is shown in one tab and is permanently deleted in another tab (either via Shift+Del or Del and then emptying the recycle bin), when switching back to the first tab, the detail pane still shows the text of the deleted item, but changing the text actually edits the item that is now selected in the tree (a different item since the other one no longer exists). This problem is fixed in v3.2.2.

dasymington 09-21-2007 10:29 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Luckily this didn't result in one item overwriting another, but perhaps is gives a further clue to how it might happen.

As you can see from the picture there are 4 tabs open and the third from the left is the active one; but, although it has the correct item title in the tab, the item title on the form, and all the other contents of the item, are from the second tab.

I selected another item in the third tab and then went back to the one I wanted and, as I say, the correct contents were still there. Worrying, nevertheless!!!!

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