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Leoram 03-27-2006 02:08 PM

Password protection at InfoItem Level (a workaround)
I'm playing with this experiment moved partly by some requests asking for password protection at InfoItem/Node level. See:

1. I created an empty database with UltraRecall.
2. Then I deleted all Template items and all elements I could in it to make my empty database as light as possible.
3. Then I password protected my "light" database and imported it by drag and drop into another database (where I have all my stuffs) as a Template InfoItem. I like the small size of it once imported (in the order of 67kb aprox. -many stored documents are much bigger, and have not tried to make it even smaller).
4. Then I renamed my new Template InfoItem little resident database a meaningful name, say UltraPack. Now I can use it to build any new node/InfoItem based on this template and have password protection at node level.
5. Now I can store/link any info/document into the resident little urd database and have password protection at any level.

This is not a front-end solution but just a workaround. One issue with my approach is that UR can't detect keywords generated for documents in the resident database at least for now. I handle this by keywording it manually.

Hope this can be valuable to anybody.


skimmel 06-06-2006 08:33 PM

I've been trying to something like this but have a question:

When I drag and drop my password protected database into another database, it's not password protected. Is there something you have to do after you drag and drop? (I'm just starting to use Ultra Recall so I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here.)


Leoram 06-07-2006 07:54 AM

Yes, you must be missing something. I tested this in the new v2.0 release and it worked ok. Try this:

1. Password protect your light, empty, resident database that will be used as a template (Tools | Change Password...)
2. Drag and drop the protected .urd file into your main database to be a child of the Template InfoItem.
3. Now try opening your imported template database by a click on "Click here to open stored document" on the Item Details pane. It will ask you for a password.

Now you can base on the template database any new InfoItem with password protection anywhere in your main database.

And you are done. Hope this helps.

skimmel 06-07-2006 10:47 AM

Thanks. When I drag the item into the other database, the item appears but it's not password protected.

I may not be understanding "child of the Template InfoItem". Do I have to set up the item in the parent database in a certain way?

skimmel 06-08-2006 08:49 PM

Ah ha! I figured it out: I imported the item rather than drag and drop and the password protection worked at the item level.

Now if I can only get the program to stop crashing on me!

janrif 03-02-2007 11:46 AM

Is this password workaround working well? And after importing the smaller UR w password, is it then possible to drag/drop items onto that branch as a chile & have it password protected?

Thank you.

Leoram 03-02-2007 01:30 PM


Originally posted by janrif
Is this password workaround working well? And after importing the smaller UR w password, is it then possible to drag/drop items onto that branch as a chile & have it password protected?

Thank you.

Yes, works like a charm. In fact all items you drop unto the resident password protected urd once opened will inherit protection. Hope you succeed.

janrif 03-02-2007 02:32 PM


Originally posted by Leoram
Yes, works like a charm. In fact all items you drop unto the resident password protected urd once opened will inherit protection. Hope you succeed.
Sorry, I must be missing something. Creating a PW DB & then drag/drop or import into main DB just creates a link to another file. Is that the point?

Leoram 03-02-2007 03:48 PM


Originally posted by janrif
Sorry, I must be missing something. Creating a PW DB & then drag/drop or import into main DB just creates a link to another file. Is that the point?
Please read:

Ways to drag and drop information into Ultra Recall. Then read something more ahead: Move Here: Create a Info Item that has Stored Contents.

Don't forget to import it as a child of the Template infoitem so that any new infoitem inherits the new template characteristics. See step by step procedure way above. Good luck.

janrif 03-02-2007 05:37 PM


Don't forget to import it as a child of the Template infoitem so that any new infoitem inherits the new template characteristics. See step by step procedure way above.
Thank you, I did refer to the help link you offered & was aware of this drag/drop info. But.... what do you mean by Template infoitem? I have no template with such a name. Also what version of UR are you using? Thank you.

Leoram 03-05-2007 08:23 AM

Templates InfoItem (I should have said templates not template) is one of the default infoitems that come with UR. All items droped under the Templates Infoitem will also be templates and will inherit the properties of it. You will probably need to edit the attributes, change icons, etc.


I have version 2.0e.

Hope this time you succeed.

janrif 03-05-2007 09:13 AM

OK, now I understand. Create a new template by importing your pasword file as a Template. Once that file is opened, all items inserted below that item will be password protected too.

Password file is reached by link.

I think this is what I was trying to understand at the beginning: the password topic is a 2nd file where all private material is stored under password.

If this is wrong please correct me. And thank you for all your help in this matter.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA

Leoram 03-05-2007 09:48 AM

Once you have your password protected urd file placed under the Templates InfoItem, and given a meaningful name and icon if you wish, all items you create by right clicking on any infoitem on the tree and then selecting Insert child or Insert sibling (choose the password protected template so as the new item inherit the properties), will be clones of that template. So what you get by this approach is a new password protected urd that you can use to place inside it all your sensitive material. This provides for a password protection at infoitem level anywhere you wish apart from the general password you have probably used for your main urd.

janrif 03-05-2007 09:57 AM

yes but you cannot see any inherited items below the template password file unless user opens it separately. Right?

Leoram 03-05-2007 10:05 AM


Originally posted by janrif
yes but you cannot see any inherited items below the template password file unless user opens it separately. Right?
Yes. Now I see that your misunderstanding was originally due to the idea of creating items below the new password protected infoitem and not inside (or dragged into) it. See step 5 on my original post above. Hope this helps.

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