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cnewtonne 10-05-2007 06:12 PM

Item detail pane refreshes/flickers with every control+v
When I upgraded to 3.2.5, I noticed this pane to flicker/refresh every time I paste something in it using KB. if this area contains a form, the cursor moves to the first field in the form.

I found this counter-productive and annoying. Can someone confirm this behavior. Am not sure why and what the purpose is.

Thank you

ashwken 10-05-2007 11:05 PM

Yes and No (v.3.2.5, Win XP SP2).

When (copy/)pasting (text) to the Detail Pane (with a Form) from a source outside the pane the screen will Refresh immediately after the paste.

When pasting within the Detail Pane the Refresh does not occur.

But for me, the cursor stays within the Detail Pane under both pasting conditions.

This screen Refresh seems to be the answer to these issues, both of which I have expereinced - forcing a manual F5 or Crtl-F5.

From the Version History post:
_Scroll bar doesn't update to show scrollable area when pasting into detail text of a form.

_Form fields not drawn properly if form was showing scroll bar and not scrolled to the top when previously displayed.

kinook 10-05-2007 11:35 PM

Refreshing was the fix for the two bugs mentioned. But we found a way to fix the scroll bar issue without refreshing, and the latest download has the improved fix.

cnewtonne 10-06-2007 08:56 AM

It works now magnificently. Even though may seem minor, but it affected me in a major way ...

- I have developed 30 macros I use daily to save and apply text styles (font size, color, and other attributes). A macro basically copies the existing text in detail pane, deletes it, then applies a text style via clipboard, selects it, and finally copies the original text back which now inherits all formatting attributes. With these changes, none of the macro worked. The original text was pasted back into the first field on the form. See attached image.

Also, I just have high expectation of UR. I know of no other app. in windows that refreshes when you copy to it. I do a ton of copy/paste and having to deal with these flickers was not an elegant solution for UR.

As always, I thank you a bunch for being this responsive.

cnewtonne 10-06-2007 09:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a shot of these text styles.

quant 10-07-2007 01:09 PM

There is again problem with pasting pictures to item details, the pasted picture is not shown (it shows only after manual refresh). Please, be more careful when uploading new features not to screw up the existing ones :)
I'm sure all these problems will be gone once we have HTML rather than proprietary rtf format as a base for items, that is causing soooo many problems ... I'm surprised developers don't see this ...

cnewtonne 10-07-2007 01:19 PM

it works fine on my install 3.2.5. No issues.

Also, I have worked with in situ HTML editors in many apps and CMSs, but was impressed with none. It's a god solution to edit stored web content, but that is it. I do not want to have it as my primary editor.

quant 10-07-2007 02:04 PM


Originally posted by cnewtonne
it works fine on my install 3.2.5. No issues.
it doesn't work on my install ...


Originally posted by cnewtonne
Also, I have worked with in situ HTML editors in many apps and CMSs, but was impressed with none. It's a god solution to edit stored web content, but that is it. I do not want to have it as my primary editor.
why is that? there are many html wysiwyg editor that do their job excellently. Why would you prefer the buggy non-compliant rtf??? Can you do sth that you can not in html or that you'd miss for basic note editing?

And in fact, what do we have now in the several years of existence of UR in the built in rft editor: font, bold/italic/bullets. Nothing else. Not even tables. Ask yourself why is that ...

quant 10-21-2007 08:26 AM


Originally posted by quant
There is again problem with pasting pictures to item details, the pasted picture is not shown (it shows only after manual refresh).
is it only me who experience this glitch? I still have to run version where I don't have this problem :(

UltraRecall.exe version
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MsftEdit.dll version
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RichEd20.dll version

Kinook, could you please confirm it works on your side?

janrif 10-21-2007 10:54 AM


Originally posted by quant
is it only me who experience this glitch? I still have to run version where I don't have this problem :(

UltraRecall.exe version
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MsftEdit.dll version
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RichEd20.dll version

Kinook, could you please confirm it works on your side?

I do not have this problem
UltraRecall.exe version
Riched20 file version

kinook 10-22-2007 04:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Not all versions of riched20.dll/msftedit.dll are afflicted with the problem of not showing a pasted image immediately after pasting, so to prevent unnecessary refreshing, the default behavior is to not refresh in this case. If you are experiencing that problem, use the attached .reg file to turn the auto-refresh on paste of images back on.

quant 10-22-2007 05:14 PM

thanks, that helped. I realized that I have very old rich...dll file, so I found a newer one and that seems to work without problems ... aaaaargh this M$hit

quant 10-22-2007 06:14 PM


Originally posted by quant
... aaaaargh this M$hit
at least some good news

quant 10-23-2007 12:55 PM


Originally posted by kinook
Not all versions of riched20.dll/msftedit.dll are afflicted with the problem of not showing a pasted image immediately after pasting, so to prevent unnecessary refreshing, the default behavior is to not refresh in this case. If you are experiencing that problem, use the attached .reg file to turn the auto-refresh on paste of images back on.
no no no ...
This issue with refreshing and riched is becoming really frustrating!!!

So I found some newer riched, and it seemed to work fine, without the need to use the reg file, but now sometimes I edit and paste the images and the previous ones disappear (not just not showing, they are deleted completely)!!! Or I click from item note to item text, and the last added picture or two disappears as well!!! I tried to ignore it ... but this happens quite often.

Grrrrrrrrrrrr ...

RICHED20.DLL version

Is there a version of riched that is supposed to work with UR? The download link would be welcomed.
Thank you!

cnewtonne 10-23-2007 01:33 PM

- am using riched20.dll version with no issues at all.

- Also i have run into a similar issue with another app using this control. Just make sure your edit area contains at least one non-blank character for it to save images. Normally, i insert dates.

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