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quant 06-09-2008 12:02 PM

what's keeping you busy?
Hi Kinook,

could you please update roadmap and let us know what can we expect next? ;-)

Thank you

quant 07-10-2008 05:14 AM

bump :)

quant 10-29-2008 04:57 AM


eno 10-29-2008 09:37 AM

My wish list of most important enhancements in order of priority would be

1 Highlight search results

2 Multi-DB search

3 Two Data Explorer panes (so I could have two DB's showing and to make it easier to move items between DB's)

4 Open multiple items in side-by-side windows

5 Automatic clipboard capture

6 Revamp the help file

gepner 10-29-2008 11:46 AM

I second that list, especially the mult-db search.

eno 10-30-2008 04:19 PM

WHATS THIS ??????????

quant 10-30-2008 04:29 PM


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TMF 10-30-2008 05:12 PM

That's business, and the downside of UltraRecall not being a software for masses.

For me the current version is quality software that I will continue using for years to come, even if it's not updated.

I believe better times might come, and Kinook will continue with development at some point in the future. My best wishes to Kinook, business-wise.

After all
a] it doesn't have to be updated every few months as we are used to, some sofware gets updates every one or two years

b] they are using it internally, too

alx 10-31-2008 03:30 AM

I second Tom, and I have posted my support to Kinook here:

All the best

janrif 10-31-2008 06:43 AM

Altho this is greatly disappointing..... & frustrating..... this action does not come as a surprise to me. In fact, I mentioned it once before & was shouted down. So be it.

I strongly believe that besides having a great product -- like UR -- open, kindly, friendly, welcoming customer support is just as essential to the potential success of any product.

Yes, for those of you who are technically oriented, kinook has always been prompt in replying to technical questions posted here. Now I suppose this is all that should be required of technical support, ie.. ask a question, get the answer.

But, to me, both the information & the approach has always been highly technical & cold & frequently over my head.

A smile goes a long way in this world. IMO, UltraRecall was never going to break out of its small technoworld with that approach.

Like Agenda, Ecco & ADM before it, UR leaves behind a mature, unfinished product & a bunch of users who now have a tough decision to make.... and if they decide to move on..... hours & hours of work before getting their life back in order.

None the less, I don't wish Kinook any ill. I hope they succeed as I do all other small software companies whom I have spent thousands & thousands of dollars supporting over the years.

Happy Halloween.

Jon Polish 10-31-2008 10:53 AM

No more updates to UR: RIP
While I find UR is unquestionably a fine example of programming and have not hesitated to point out its faults along the way, I am sorry to learn that development has stopped. I am grateful that Kinook has taken UR this far and we are left with a stable and reliable product. I wish they could have finished incorporating the calendar and html export, but I suspect the addition was a massive undertaking and probably would have introduced bugs that would take a while to work out.

Jan has always been cautious about prospects for most software, and I think I finally see his point. While support is not yet abandoned, I imagine that it is only a matter of time.

Kinook, I wish you well. Maybe, but I think not, when the economy turns around, you will find it worthwhile to resume development. This type and quality of software is needed.

I suppose the smugness about UR's capabilities over similar (and older) products expressed by some here and in other forums was well intended. But news like this certainly takes the wind out of one's sails because, if the software languishes it will be overtaken by other products or new technology which will marginalize UR as its limitations are reached (I'm thinking Ecco Pro, Info Select, askSam, etc.).


quant 10-31-2008 05:32 PM


is there any way we could help?

MVFF 11-03-2008 11:51 AM

Jeez, I was just getting UR set up to be incredibly productive. And, to order more licenses for my employees!

This software is amazing now and has so much potential that it's scary.

My 2 cents...

quant 11-03-2008 12:17 PM

Re: Limbo

Originally posted by MVFF
This software is amazing now and has so much potential that it's scary.
tell me about it, I've just set up the website and was going to make some instructional videos :(
I think one of the problems was marketing, I was in search for a perfect PIM for about half-a-year, and found UR only by chance.

rothrin 11-03-2008 06:12 PM

It appears that the notification of Kinook suspending Ultra Recall's development has been removed. :-)

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