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URD is Bloating
Not much activity on the forum these days, so here is a minor contribution. I recently created a UR database, and I decided to take someone's advice (which I read on the forum) that it is better to link and not store material (esp. pdfs and the like). But I noticed that the file already has 80 megs, and I've barely started. Kinook cautions that things start to slow down ("degrade" is the word he uses) after 200 megs, though the maximum for a UR file is much larger.
My question: how can my UR database be so large already when it consists mostly of links? At this rate of bloat I expect things such as searches will start to suffer major degradation. |
Did you delete large amount of data? If YES, go to Tools->Compact and Repair and choose "Compact Database":
http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/Ma...pairdialog.htm "Compact database: If this check box is checked when OK is clicked, the current Info Database will be shrunk, removing any free space. Note: Ultra Recall uses a highly efficient, binary format for Info Database files. As Info Items are deleted, empty space remains within the file, and is reused when new data is added to the Info Database. If you delete a large amount of data, you can immediately shrink the Info Database, removing this free space by using the provided Compact functionality." |
Been There, Done That!
Thanks, but I had already looked into that. I'll just have to be sure I don't store but link whenever possible. Be nice if UR had global searches across databases. Maybe someday.
I just noticed something. In Database Properties my URD reads: 1. File Size: 74,345,688 2. Stored Document Size: 387,992 3. Item Rich Text Text: 27,203,470 4. Icon Data: 235,373 Now 1. indicates the total of both stored and linked files. I was wondering if this item is the one to start being concerned about when the file size exceeds 200 megs? Also, how can 3. (Rich Text Stored) exceed 2. (Stored Doc. Size)? Something wrong here. |
hmmm, ok. So when you go to file->properties what is the size of Stored Documents?
PS: I don't know if you were referring to my comments about storing/linking preferences. I think the search speed will not deteriorate that much when file size increases (as everything is indexed), i.e. that's not the reason I personally prefer linking to storing. My main concern is the quality of the search results. When I link the files, they are still available to other applications, for example, in my case Archivarius3000, which has much superior searching capabilities to UR (relevance, showing highlighted fragments of found terms, morphology, searching for keywords close to each other, ...) |
A Few Edits
Quant, could you look at the edited post please?
Re: Been There, Done That!
I'm still wondering why is your file size so big ... what was your urd file size before compacting? When you did compact, did it show sth like "80% shrunk"? |
First, you said that 1. File Size does NOT include linked files, but when I tested this by linking five pdf files, the only change in the four sizes occurred in the first, 1. File Size.
Second, how can Stored Document Size be smaller than Item Rich Text? This doesn't make sense. Third, upon compacting no percentage change was indicated, since, as I said, almost all the data in the database is linked, not stored. |
Re: Conundrum
I think the bloat you are observing is due to keywords. I have observed my databases are at minimum twice the expected size.
I would try this experiment. Before attempting this, backup your database! 1. In the explorer pane, select all items. 2, Go to keywords and delete all of them. 3. Compact this database. 4. Compare the sizes of the newly created, keyword-less database with your backup copy. I would be interested if you could post your results. Jon |
Frustrating, to Put It Mildly
OK, I selected everything in Data Explorer. Then went to Item / Keywords, but both panes -- user-defined keywords and auto-generated keywords -- were empty. Delete what?
On the other hand, if I Control + K on a particular item (linked, by the way), I get a list of auto-generated items (which seems to vary, item by item, though not always!). Am I supposed to go through the entire database and delete the item keywords? Please say no. Also, in Properties it says I have 1.1 million keywords! Nice. So how, pray tell, am I supposed to delete these keywords? You would think Kinook would address this problem in a more serious manner, but I get the feeling that after creating a great piece of software, UR, they feel their job is done, and the users should be saavy enough to figure out things on their own. And they do, albeit usually serendipidously, or more often on the forum. I have a sinking feeling keywords is a flawed concept or at least a work in progress. |
Re: Frustrating, to Put It Mildly
Unfortunately, Jon Polish was not right cause it's not the way to delete keywords. To delete them, first set which kind of file extensions should not be keyworded, then select the items, and resynchronize ... Everything is in the help file!!! And it's right where you'd first look at, auto-generated keywords. So if by "saavy enough" you mean someone who knows how to use help file, then I share your frustration ;-) "Auto-generated Keywords can't be manually added (see User-Defined Keywords) but can be deleted (they are automatically replaced when the Info Item is Synchronized)." |
au contraire
The UR help file stinks -- and this is the consensus, excluding the outliers. Too often the explanations there are as clear as mud.
For a simple example, why is my Stored Document Size: 387,992 smaller than my Item Rich Text Text: 27,203,470? You wrote, "Everything is in the help file!!!" Really? Where? |
Re: au contraire
So in help file, you can read: Stored Document Size: The combined size of all stored documents. Item Rich Text: The combined size of all rich text stored. Something unclear? |
Same planet, different world
I am calm. Annoyed, perhaps, but still calm.
You borrowed two definitions from the your crystal-clear "help" file ("Mine is simply different"), but you still haven't answered my simple question: viz., why is my Stored Document Size (387,992) smaller than my Item Rich Text (also stored, but NOT zipped) (27,203,470)? Logically shouldn't the size of the latter be smaller than the former, or am I missing something? Or perhaps we have entered the mysterious realm of quantum computing and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle has taking effect. Kinook, are you there? Hello? |
Re: Re: Frustrating, to Put It Mildly
I don't quite understand why this is not correct. UR cannot keyword all files (WordPerfect for example), but those that it can (text based pdf, Word, etc.) do display for me. The keywords appear using the method I suggested whether the items are stored or linked. Jon |
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