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Cris Tontchev 03-17-2007 02:01 AM

View Office 2007 in Vista

I am having a hard time configuring UR to display Office 2007 internally under Vista Ultimate. I have read and tried all the suggestions in this forum, but the office 2007 Keeps opening in the external applications. Probably, I am doing something wrong, but I just can't figure it out by myself.

Please, could you help me out?

Cris Tontchev 03-18-2007 10:58 AM


quant 03-18-2007 05:57 PM

which office application are you referring to? word, excel, ... ?

I use 2003 and works no problem. Go to option setting, then to "Browser'", and add extension to the "file extension to display in the internal browser view". For example, if you want to view excel files internally, just add ".xls", so that the line reads:

hope it helps ...

Cris Tontchev 03-18-2007 09:09 PM

Thanks for answering my post.

I would like to see word 2007, excel 2007, and visio 2007.

I did add the browser and documents extensions, including the xml and zip (as per manual) but still nothing.

There is another post about modify to "open in the same browser" in windows file extensions, but in Vista I could not find where is the advanced file extensions.

quant 03-19-2007 04:48 AM

maybe someone who has Vista installed can comment on your problem, I don't plan to install Vista, EVER (I'm already experimenting with Fedora 6,

eno 03-19-2007 07:21 AM

I run word 2000 and excel Ok

Quant - I like the bit in the GRC link that sugests by making vista too secure (going over the Top) they are actually making it easier for certain types of attack.

And by making HD content too protected, devices that are not in compliance wont work with vista (sounds like big brother to me)

Sorry for being off topic but already microsofts data execution prevention (DEP) has affected software use on my computer (Windows XP) to the point I think I will disable it compleatly. I have other software that does the job and that I can control.

kinook 03-19-2007 10:55 AM

It seems that MS decided to remove the 'File Types' Explorer feature in Vista:

And Office 2007 default settings are to not browse in same window, so you'll have to manually munge the registry to get this configured properly on Vista+Office 2007.

Cris Tontchev 03-19-2007 04:52 PM

Hi there
Great News!

I went through these 2 articles and carefuly changed the registry. Now, UR is displaying office 2007 files internally. I am very pleased!

There is one slight problem, UR is showing a window with the message: application is busy and I should switch or try again. I have WebResearch software and I am not having this message displaying there when viewing word 2007 or excel 2007 internally.

Please, advise.

Again, thank you!

Cris Tontchev 03-19-2007 05:04 PM


Originally posted by quant
maybe someone who has Vista installed can comment on your problem, I don't plan to install Vista, EVER (I'm already experimenting with Fedora 6,

I have to say that I am very happy with Windows Vista in terms of perfomance, easy access of files, and off course the eye-candy thing.

My backgound is not computer sciences, so I can't make any technical comparissons, but as a end-user I can feel and say the difference while using my unit. Am I am really loving Vista!

quant 03-19-2007 05:56 PM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
I have to say that I am very happy with Windows Vista in terms of perfomance
have you tried any other operating system running on the same hardware? certainly not, cause only then you'd see what's Vista performance.


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
My backgound is not computer sciences, so I can't make any technical comparissons, but as a end-user I can feel and say the difference while using my unit. Am I am really loving Vista!
Maybe it's nicer (at what performance cost), but in all other aspects, it's a big looser. Play some video, music, and soon you'll see among the processes one that takes a lot of resources, just for the big brother to check whether you are not watching some protected content. This itself is easy for the attackers to make your system completely unstable, just by changing some tilt bit. Video cards will have to have some "black box" inside them, making them more expensive, and impossible to write free drivers for them. I'm not going into details, everything is in the links mentioned above. Am I going to support company that from the beginning assumes I'm thief, upgrade product that is slower and less stable than the previous version (XP), and imposes unnecessary expenses on the whole market of video cards because Hollywood decided to? I wish people would ask sth similar before spending money on Vista and on upgrading their system because Vista demands it.

Cris Tontchev 03-19-2007 06:57 PM


Originally posted by quant
[B]have you tried any other operating system running on the same hardware? certainly not, cause only then you'd see what's Vista performance.

Yes, in this tabletPC I had the Windows tablet PC 2005 edition. Thus, as I stated I can say the difference while using this notebook. It had an increase in performance and my software open faster.

[QUOTE]Maybe it's nicer (at what performance cost), but in all other aspects, it's a big looser. Play some video, music, and soon you'll see among the processes one that takes a lot of resources, just for the big brother to check whether you are not watching some protected content. [QUOTE]

This is bad for us end-users, but, in the other hand, it will protect somebody else rights. I am not saying that I agree with that, but this kind of issue is not causing me any problem. Neither in performance, because I usually have 6 or 7 applications open at the same time and I do not listen to music or watch video when I am working; neither in pleasure of have a nice Media Center.

kinook 03-20-2007 10:53 AM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
There is one slight problem, UR is showing a window with the message: application is busy and I should switch or try again. I have WebResearch software and I am not having this message displaying there when viewing word 2007 or excel 2007 internally.
That dialog is actually displayed by IE (embedded within UR and what actual hosts Word, Excel, etc.) if the application does not respond in a timely manner.

I did see this when testing Vista+Office 2007 in a Virtual PC, but would have expected it to be fast enough to avoid that when running on the PC hardware. Dismissing the dialog did cause Windows/IE/Word to function normally after it had completed loading.

There may be a way to increase the timeout before that dialog gets displayed (, which we'll add to our list to investigate.

Cris Tontchev 03-20-2007 11:15 PM


Originally posted by kinook
That dialog is actually displayed by IE (embedded within UR and what actual hosts Word, Excel, etc.) if the application does not respond in a timely manner.

I did see this when testing Vista+Office 2007 in a Virtual PC, but would have expected it to be fast enough to avoid that when running on the PC hardware. Dismissing the dialog did cause Windows/IE/Word to function normally after it had completed loading.

There may be a way to increase the timeout before that dialog gets displayed (, which we'll add to our list to investigate.

Other time out I have noticed is happenning with large PDF files. I have hundreds of ebooks in PDF format that range from 500 to 1300 pages and when I choose one of those large PDF it is taking a long time for it to display in UR. I even have a window message saying "creating item temporary file - Please, wait...."

Is it happening because those PDF are too large for UR? or it has something to do with vista/IE7 ?

kinook 03-21-2007 06:42 AM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
Other time out I have noticed is happenning with large PDF files. I have hundreds of ebooks in PDF format that range from 500 to 1300 pages and when I choose one of those large PDF it is taking a long time for it to display in UR. I even have a window message saying "creating item temporary file - Please, wait...."

Is it happening because those PDF are too large for UR? or it has something to do with vista/IE7 ?

That is a different dialog, which may be displayed by UR while creating the temporary copy of a large stored document (so that the operation can be cancelled by the user if desired). One way to avoid this would be to import the item linked rather than stored (so that it can be opened directly from the file system rather than creating a temporary copy).

MikeH 03-21-2007 06:56 AM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
I'm not sure if this helps, but under XP, you'd have to go to file types and hit the 'Advanced' button and place a check next to 'Browse in Same Window'.

I haven't worked with Vista yet, but I run Office 2007 in UR 3 and everything displays internally from Word to Project. Is there a similar option in Vista?

If we could get DO to display internally or have UR display inside UR, we'd be pretty near perfection!


quant 03-21-2007 06:59 AM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
This is bad for us end-users, but, in the other hand, it will protect somebody else rights. I am not saying that I agree with that, but this kind of issue is not causing me any problem. Neither in performance, because I usually have 6 or 7 applications open at the same time and I do not listen to music or watch video when I am working; neither in pleasure of have a nice Media Center.
Even if you dont listen to music, Vista still checks about 30 times per second all components that has sth to do with protected content. Like you said, it'd bad for end-users, ... anyway ... I hope you enjoy your Aero, have a look what you could have for free on Linux, Aero probably feels very ashamed, haha

Cris Tontchev 03-21-2007 10:41 AM


Originally posted by MikeH
I'm not sure if this helps, but under XP, you'd have to go to file types and hit the 'Advanced' button and place a check next to 'Browse in Same Window'.

I haven't worked with Vista yet, but I run Office 2007 in UR 3 and everything displays internally from Word to Project. Is there a similar option in Vista?

If we could get DO to display internally or have UR display inside UR, we'd be pretty near perfection!


Hi MikeH

Windows Vista do not have the option of changing the advanced file types, however, you can change the registry like I did, just follow the directions in the articles that Kevina provided when you have Vista.

By DO you mean do-Organizer? If so, you can copy the command-line from UR and add the link in any item in do-O. The drawback is that UR internal address will display the whole UR, instead of just the stored file, so it will not show in DO browser.

Now if you have WebResearch, it will display internally in DO browser, because their internal address shows just the stored file.

Cris Tontchev 03-21-2007 10:48 AM


Originally posted by quant
Even if you dont listen to music, Vista still checks about 30 times per second all components that has sth to do with protected content. Like you said, it'd bad for end-users, ... anyway ... I hope you enjoy your Aero, have a look what you could have for free on Linux, Aero probably feels very ashamed, haha

WOW, impressive. Too late though! I am already converted to Vista.

Thanks for the links.

MikeH 03-21-2007 11:08 AM


Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
Hi MikeH

Windows Vista do not have the option of changing the advanced file types, however, you can change the registry like I did, just follow the directions in the articles that Kevina provided when you have Vista.

By DO you mean do-Organizer? If so, you can copy the command-line from UR and add the link in any item in do-O. The drawback is that UR internal address will display the whole UR, instead of just the stored file, so it will not show in DO browser.

Now if you have WebResearch, it will display internally in DO browser, because their internal address shows just the stored file.

MikeH 03-21-2007 11:17 AM

Hi, Cris

Yes, I meant Do-Organizer. I knew I could link a UR file to a DO item. While I love the look and feel of DO, it's just too much manual work to keep everything I need in it. It's easy to set up GTD inside UR, which also lets me host Outlook - and I need Outlook to keep my pda in sync. So for now, UR is where I keep my dashboard.


Cris Tontchev 03-21-2007 12:40 PM

do-Organizer (DO) is a gourgeous and powerful sofware that offers you almost everything to keep your information in one place, which I really appreciate because I as getting anoyed with the phrase: "where did I put that info?" . Of course, DO still needs improvements in all areas, but they are coming along because the developers are very responsive to users requests. If DO had a collector, which is in their plans, I could say that DO would compete with Zoot. By the way Zoot is working just fine under Vista and Outlook 2007 enviroment (I am giving it a try again).

I have been using GTD with DO without problem. I can tell you more in DO Forum, just PM me.

UR is a nice and powerful software that I am comtemplating for years. I am planning to buy it this time and I reached for my Credit Card several times, but still there are some things that I would like to see improved, like the linking system is confusing for me: I don't know visually which one is the real file and which one is the link; Why the item cannot be displayed alone when activated from another application (like WR); and other things already requested by other users after v3 was launched....

Well, let's see.... I still have few weeks to go with UR... Now, if Kevina at least tell me that I can open UR items in other applications such as Do and IdeaMason Browser than, I would buy UltraRecall right know.

Cris Tontchev 05-15-2007 02:34 PM

I just bought a copy of UltrarRecall Pro
As I stated before, I have admired UltrarRecall Pro since v.1 and I have installed and unistalled it several times . My main issue is with the linking system that really lack something for me. However, today I got a great offer from that I could not refuse it.

If you still have not decided to get your copy of Ultra Recall, maybe a quick look at bitdujour will change your mind right away. The great deal end today, so hurry!

Now, I have a great software to organize the support materials for my dissertation, which I will combine with mindmanager and ideamason.

By the way, if somebody from the group have used these software for organizing research material and would like to share the estrategies used, I will be very interested in hear it!

wow... my license key just arrived in my email... let me enjoy my licensed UltraRecall. :-)

quant 05-15-2007 05:53 PM

Re: I just bought a copy of UltrarRecall Pro

Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
By the way, if somebody from the group have used these software for organizing research material and would like to share the estrategies used, I will be very interested in hear it!

I use UR to organize my research. I ported my whole library of articles/books/ ... into UR, where I'm able to use citations links, extracts, links to pdfs ...
The calendar feature could be better, but hopefully kinook will work on it ;-)
Apart from that, it's excellent, ... however I won't share my strategy ... why not? :)

I tried to use mindmanager and thebrain, but it lacked many features which I required. I'm still looking for some kind of "ming mapping" soft, but haven't decided for any. The UR would do, if the data explorer pane could have different view, ie. not the familiar tree structure, but more like a (auto-rearranging) map, sth like

Cris Tontchev 05-15-2007 07:48 PM

Re: Re: I just bought a copy of UltrarRecall Pro

Originally posted by quant
I use UR to organize my research. I ported my whole library of articles/books/ ... into UR, where I'm able to use citations links, extracts, links to pdfs ...
The calendar feature could be better, but hopefully kinook will work on it ;-)
Apart from that, it's excellent, ... however I won't share my strategy ... why not? :)

I tried to use mindmanager and thebrain, but it lacked many features which I required. I'm still looking for some kind of "ming mapping" soft, but haven't decided for any. The UR would do, if the data explorer pane could have different view, ie. not the familiar tree structure, but more like a (auto-rearranging) map, sth like

It seems soo interesting... now you made me curious.

oh, well! You know, I am almost ready to beg but I respect your desire of keep it for yourself. Maybe, one day you change your mind and post something like "UltraRecall research strategy" and give some ideas of UR usage without reveal your "little secret".

Regarding Mindmanager, I used it to brainstorm my essays, outline, summarize articles, and organize my projects in a mastermap. This works very well for me.

I bought a copy of PersonalBrain V.4 last week, but I still could not find a way to fit it in my Academic routine. PB4 requires a more structured line of thought when setting it up, which I do not have yet. My plan is to add all the "strong" Quotations that I extract from research articles and work on the relationships from there. Let's see.

ashwken 05-17-2007 01:30 AM

Re: I just bought a copy of UltrarRecall Pro

Originally posted by Cris Tontchev
Now, I have a great software to organize the support materials for my dissertation, which I will combine with mindmanager and ideamason.

By the way, if somebody from the group have used these software for organizing research material and would like to share the estrategies used, I will be very interested in hear it!

Yes, the bitsdujour offering was very impressive, hope it has worked out well for kinook.

You might want to check out some of the discussions at:


igoldsmid 06-15-2009 02:28 AM

What about PDF's
I've got Vista x 64 - just implemented the registry fix to view Microsoft office Docs internally - but I still can't view PDF's within the UR Internal Browser.

Can anyone help me with a Vista Registry fix to view PDF docs in UR?

Thank you!

kinook 06-19-2009 10:57 AM

No luck with Adobe Reader, but Foxit Reader worked on Vista x64 in my tests:

igoldsmid 06-20-2009 04:53 PM

Actually found the solution:

In Adobe Reader 9 (don't know about earlier versions):

Edit\Preferences\Internet - Check Display PDF in Browser

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