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grahamrhind 03-16-2007 08:34 AM

UR not creating link to webpage
I am finding that UR is being very inconsistent in its adding of a webpage URL link.

If I open a web page in the internal browser of UR, and right click anywhere in that page, and choose "Add to Ultra Recall (link)", there is a very good chance that the copying dialogue will appear for a very short time (about 1 second), then disappear, but that no link is copied to the Imported items folder.

I often have to repeat this action 5 or 6 times on different parts of a page before the link is actually copied (I know when it has happened because the copying dialogue stays open for more than 1 second).

Does anybody have any idea why this is occuring? My default browser is Opera and this is also the icon I see when using the UR internal browser (though I would have thought that would have defaulted to IE). Could that be the issue?



nisced 03-16-2007 10:12 AM


I am quite sure that this is the issue.
UR is set up for IE and I suppose for Firefox.

Kinnook, please correct if I am wrong.


kevina 03-16-2007 10:41 AM

Actually it most likely NOT due to Opera being your default browser.

Does drag & drop or copy & paste (of the icon/address in the Web Toolbar) also show similar unreliability or only when using the context menu entries in the hosted browser?

grahamrhind 03-16-2007 10:48 AM

Yes, they are equally unreliable.

Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 06:55 AM

Re: UR not creating link to webpage
UR was working well copying web pages from Firefox until yesterday when it just stopped copying pages or links.

At the same I noted that hen I selected a page in UR that was not stored, but was linked, I got the annoying qustion as to whehter I wanted to open the linked page, and then as a second step, the link to click on.

I used to get that in previous editions of UR but noticed that this annoying behaviour no longer persisted in v 3, that is until yesterday.

Yesterday I stated to run v. of FF

Since I just started to use UR again for some files to say I am angry is an understatement.



Originally posted by grahamrhind
I am finding that UR is being very inconsistent in its adding of a webpage URL link.

If I open a web page in the internal browser of UR, and right click anywhere in that page, and choose "Add to Ultra Recall (link)", there is a very good chance that the copying dialogue will appear for a very short time (about 1 second), then disappear, but that no link is copied to the Imported items folder.

I often have to repeat this action 5 or 6 times on different parts of a page before the link is actually copied (I know when it has happened because the copying dialogue stays open for more than 1 second).

Does anybody have any idea why this is occuring? My default browser is Opera and this is also the icon I see when using the UR internal browser (though I would have thought that would have defaulted to IE). Could that be the issue?



Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 07:21 AM

Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage
So, for the record:

I now have installed the latest versions of Firefox and of UR.

Using Launch now at least leads to a box telling me an item is being moved to UR.

However, the item doesn't show up.

This is not acceptable.

Also Launchy has gone back to its regular choice re UR -- ie. linking or copying to, without the third and fourh choices of linking or copying frame sets to UR, these latter choices apparently showing up yesterday for the first time.

I hope a fix is forthcoming very soon.

Thank you.



Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
UR was working well copying web pages from Firefox until yesterday when it just stopped copying pages or links.

At the same I noted that hen I selected a page in UR that was not stored, but was linked, I got the annoying qustion as to whehter I wanted to open the linked page, and then as a second step, the link to click on.

I used to get that in previous editions of UR but noticed that this annoying behaviour no longer persisted in v 3, that is until yesterday.

Yesterday I stated to run v. of FF

Since I just started to use UR again for some files to say I am angry is an understatement.


Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 07:30 AM

Re: Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage
Well, I tried the work-around suggested. If I try to drag and drop the url from the browser address bar, nothing happens.

If I do a select all and try and drag and drop I get the folloing notice:

"Error posting data. Foreign key violation. Item keyword table references missing row intable reference."

Everything worked fine up until Friday or yesterday. So what has changed?


PS And a question I have long had -- would it not have been better for a company with Kinook's capability to have developed its own ability to deal ith Fiefox rather than using some third party out to Lunchy software?


Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
So, for the record:

I now have installed the latest versions of Firefox and of UR.

Using Launch now at least leads to a box telling me an item is being moved to UR.

However, the item doesn't show up.

This is not acceptable.

Also Launchy has gone back to its regular choice re UR -- ie. linking or copying to, without the third and fourh choices of linking or copying frame sets to UR, these latter choices apparently showing up yesterday for the first time.

I hope a fix is forthcoming very soon.

Thank you.


Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 08:39 AM

UR Launchy Out to Lunch
Well, I have now removed UR from my system, and reinstalled it, having already previously updated it and Firefox.

Launch is not working.

Unfortunately Launchy doesn't announce to the world when it goes out to lunch, so I have a whole bunch of previous work to try and repeat.

I will be sending a message to the 5,000 member Getting Things Done Group and to, many of whom use UR for GTD, to use the program with greatest caution, if at all when, when attempting to copy or link to web materials.

I will not use the program for anything at all until I can be assured these problems are cleared up.


janrif 03-25-2007 11:25 AM

Re: Re: Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage

Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
[snip] PS And a question I have long had -- would it not have been better for a company with Kinook's capability to have developed its own ability to deal ith Fiefox rather than using some third party out to Lunchy software?
Daly, I understand your frustration(s) as I have shared some of the same. I posed the same comment re: depending on launchy to kyle (one of the K's in Kinook) during the beta trials.

However, I decided -- as I posted -- to use URp's IE6 browser as my default browser (on my w2k machine) & it works for me, both for links & content. For secure pages, I use net snippets until I have time to research for an alternative.

Importing my favorites & bookmarks into URp is painless & tabbing is available within URp so that's not an issue either.

Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 02:51 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage

Originally posted by janrif
Daly, I understand your frustration(s) as I have shared some of the same. I posed the same comment re: depending on launchy to kyle (one of the K's in Kinook) during the beta trials.

However, I decided -- as I posted -- to use URp's IE6 browser as my default browser (on my w2k machine) & it works for me, both for links & content. For secure pages, I use net snippets until I have time to research for an alternative.

Importing my favorites & bookmarks into URp is painless & tabbing is available within URp so that's not an issue either.

Jan, thanks for the post.

Until yesterday, everything was working perfectly.

Today it is not.

Even with IE 6 it is not.

If this issue isn't resolved I will dump UR once and for all.

I can still use MyInfo for text, Surfulater for web clipping, and give up the luxury of having a program in which I can do both when it is more convenient to do so. Surfulater does let me do some note-making, and it has logical links.

Or I can use MDE InfoHandler, and with a rather complex series of links to web files I save from the browser end up with an all in one solution. Plus the most customizable keyword options on the market

Or I can try IDEA from Sycon, and just group files together in a logical way, while allowing each program to do what it is best suited for.

Or, in a better world, ADM wouldn't have disappeared from the marketplace.

What I cannot understand is why something that worked one day isn't working the next, even after reinstalls.

And then I start to read carefully the other messages on and this forum, and realize I may have just been lucky having it all work in the first place.

I am mightily pissed. I may be a CRIMPer at heart, but I don't have time for this sort of stuff. I am on tight deadlines this week plus getting hospital calls.


quant 03-25-2007 03:19 PM

hmmm ...

time is precious, but I'm sure Kinook will address your problem the first thing on Monday.

Doesn't the linking and storing work when you use internal browser? Just to say that I never had any problems with either internal browser or Launchy. Even though it would be nice if Kinook had it's own Firefox add-on for linking and storing pages, you cannot expect them to support every external browsers and creating extensions when all works fine for the internal browser inside UR, or does it not?

I will be sending a message to the 5,000 member Getting Things Done Group and to, many of whom use UR for GTD, to use the program with greatest caution, if at all when, when attempting to copy or link to web materials.
Please, try to be more considerate to Kinook, could it be that the problem is because of some of your particular setup, problem with library or maybe some Firefox glitch?

[I haven't updated Firefox, I'm using version]

grahamrhind 03-25-2007 04:12 PM


Originally posted by quant

time is precious, but I'm sure Kinook will address your problem the first thing on Monday.

Well, I first posted about this issue 9 days ago, and there's been not answer yet.....

quant 03-25-2007 04:13 PM


wau wau wau ... I'm astonished! You certainly have time to grumble everywhere you can, you must really be pissed off. First let me remind you that Launchy is not made by Kinook, so as such, it is not a responsibility of Kinook for Launchy to work. I updated to just now to see whether there is some problem, but all works fine here with either Launchy or when using as internal browser.

Daly de Gagne:
I would appreciate it if members could share this warning with any other groups to which they belong, and whose members could be hurt by the current glitches in UR.

I on the other hand would appreciate if you realize how much damage/hurt can be done to Kinook reputation by sending messages like this. It would be nice if you somewhere mention that Launchy is NOT supported by Kinook, but can be used (with discretion). I hope you find the guts and send another messages apologizing to Kinook for hoaxing in case you find that there is problem in your setting and not in UR.

quant 03-25-2007 04:19 PM


Originally posted by grahamrhind
Well, I first posted about this issue 9 days ago, and there's been not answer yet.....
Sorry for not a really nice reply (people in this thread seem to be not in a good mood), but have you ever tried this???

Email will be responded to within one business day."


quant 03-25-2007 04:32 PM


you made my day. Sorry, this is on the personal note, certainly people have the right to feel angry, and there is a way to deal with anger, maybe by posting their frustration all around instead of writing an email to support, but this would really be the last thing I'd expect:
Occupation: psychotherapist/chaplain


Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 05:54 PM


Originally posted by quant
hmmm ...

time is precious, but I'm sure Kinook will address your problem the first thing on Monday.

Daly: I am sure Kinook will get on it -- they are good that way.

Doesn't the linking and storing work when you use internal browser? Just to say that I never had any problems with either internal browser or Launchy. Even though it would be nice if Kinook had it's own Firefox add-on for linking and storing pages, you cannot expect them to support every external browsers and creating extensions when all works fine for the internal browser inside UR, or does it not?

Daly: It was Kinook who began the offering of option re external browser. Having done that, I do take exception when someone says "you cannot expect them to support every external browsers." Firefox is not just some external browser -- it is the only really competition Explorer has, and it has largely won that position by being more innovate, faster, and more secure than IE. While it is not perfect, Firefox is the only browser that many of us will willingly use, and we get bloody fed up with developer forcing Microsoft down our throats -- as Kinook does when, for example, it insists on using computer settings for various things rather than developing its own settings. But that's a rant for another day.

I will be sending a message to the 5,000 member Getting Things Done Group and to, many of whom use UR for GTD, to use the program with greatest caution, if at all when, when attempting to copy or link to web materials.
Please, try to be more considerate to Kinook, could it be that the problem is because of some of your particular setup, problem with library or maybe some Firefox glitch?

[I haven't updated Firefox, I'm using version]

I am trying to be considerate of Kinook, but as you can see I am not the only one having problems with this issues, which seems to be taking various forms at the moment, as reflecte by emails.

Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 05:58 PM


Originally posted by quant
Sorry for not a really nice reply (people in this thread seem to be not in a good mood), but have you ever tried this???

Email will be responded to within one business day."


And with all due respect, I wonder why people are not in a really good mood.

UR snafus this weekend have cost me almost $500 in time. I find it hard to smile and make nice when faced with such a loss.

I also find that all of this business of communicating between programs should be sufficiently basic as to preclude this nonsense in the first place.

I would not be so thoroughly pissed had the system not been working perfectly until it started to go wonky yesterday.


quant 03-25-2007 06:13 PM


Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
I am trying to be considerate of Kinook, but as you can see I am not the only one having problems with this issues, which seems to be taking various forms at the moment, as reflecte by emails.
I could see only ONE having a problem apart form you. With all due respect to grahamrhind, he's registered on 11th March (probably new to Kinook, it takes some time to learn various features), used Opera which is not supported by kinook, so it could be problem somewhere on his side. But I must admit, that it is surprising that Kinook didnt follow after he replied. I suggested to write an email directly to support, because I believe that kinook can better concentrate on the problem in that way, rather than wading through the forum and read various unrelated responses.

Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 06:17 PM


Originally posted by quant
I could see only ONE having a problem apart form you. With all due respect to grahamrhind, he's registered on 11th March (probably new to Kinook, it takes some time to learn various features), used Opera which is not supported by kinook, so it could be problem somewhere on his side. But I must admit, that it is surprising that Kinook didnt follow after he replied. I suggested to write an email directly to support, because I believe that kinook can better concentrate on the problem in that way, rather than wading through the forum and read various unrelated responses.
Quant, may I suggest you read some of the emails a little more closely. People are not suggesting work-arounds because they are delighted with how well the system is working.


quant 03-25-2007 06:21 PM


Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
And with all due respect, I wonder why people are not in a really good mood.

UR snafus this weekend have cost me almost $500 in time. I find it hard to smile and make nice when faced with such a loss.

I also find that all of this business of communicating between programs should be sufficiently basic as to preclude this nonsense in the first place.

I would not be so thoroughly pissed had the system not been working perfectly until it started to go wonky yesterday.


you were unlucky that your problem started over the weekend.

ok, back to your problem. If your time is so precious and you find that the importing of webpages is not working properly with Launchy (I dont see this as a Kinook problem) or using internal browser (this should definitely work), couldn't you simply save the web page directly to some location on your harddisk and then just drag to UR and either store or link it? Certainly not as convenient, but it would do the trick.

quant 03-25-2007 06:30 PM


Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
Quant, may I suggest you read some of the emails a little more closely. People are not suggesting work-arounds because they are delighted with how well the system is working.


To be honest, I didn't understand the work-around you mentioned, didn't see who suggested it, cause you were replying to yourself: "If I try to drag and drop the url from the browser address bar, nothing happens." - it doesnt work this way. But if you just copy the url from the browser, then go to UR data explorer tree, and do a paste (CTRL+V), it should copy the website as a child of current item. Did you try this?

janrif 03-25-2007 09:11 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage

Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
[snip] Until yesterday, everything was working perfectly. [/snip]
Daly, I've known you for a while now, albeit via the internet & I must say, in all candor, that I don't think you are being fair to Kinook or URp. It is conceivable that this is a problem on your system that has nothing to do with URp.

I don't think it's fair that you've jumped to conclusions (A) & (B) that you've now posted some pretty harsh 'warnings' on another list about the program.

I do understand your frustration as I stated in my post & I have nothing to gain from defending Kinook except to say that I think their software is pretty well conceived, is quite sophisticated & I have, for the most part, have had all/most of my questions/comments responded to in a courteous, professional, dispassionate & timely manner, unlike my experiences with ADM & other programs.

I don't think the URp support has been any more or less than my experiences with Zoot or EccoPro so I count that as being pretty good.

Maybe this is one of those times when you should take 3 deep breaths & start again. Shit happens. Computers are not the end-all we've come to expect. Who was the politician who said "trust but verify". I believe in that & backup everything -- constantly & repeatedly.

Most of the time it helps. Sometimes it doesn't through no fault of my own, any particular software or they system I'm working on but some momentary combination of all 3.

I can tell you that I found several hundered... yes, hundred adware devices operating on my system that slowed it down to a crawl. This despite the fact that I was running an anti-ad ware program. The software turned out to be a piece of crap but now that it is all cleaned up my system is working 100% better. It just goes to show that a dropped stitch can unravel the entire sweater.

But you should know that from your practice? Right? ;-)

Sorry for your troubles & good luck in finding another program. If you luck out, be sure to let me know. Thanks.

Daly de Gagne 03-25-2007 11:44 PM

I understand your point about Launchy. was Kinook's decision to use Launchy because Kinook was getting a lot of feedback from folk in the Firefox set who wanted nothing to do with IE.

Iit would have been better -- and perhaps it will still happen -- for Kinook to develop their on process and to get rid of Launch.

Your use of the word hoaxing is objectionable and uncalled for. If I find out that the mistake is mine, as I did with regard to the tab issue, I will be most forthright and apologetic. A hoax is a deliberate intentional effort to creat false information, most often detrimental to the victim of the hoax. There is no intent here so back off bro.

I do not feel any particular need to point out, however, that Launchy is different from Kinook. Kinook chose to use Launchy; so issues with Launch is their problem.

My latest finding is that when I try to use Launchy that the Import item in the UR tree goes bold -- but that nothing appears underneath the item, or anywhere else.

Does this mean that the issue somehow is not in Launchy either, but in UR?

I don't know, but where I do agree with you is that Kinook in its usual professional fashion will be all over this tomorrow, and that's to their credit.

But I'm still out about $500 and several hours of time, and so I have been on a rant.

And as I said before, perusing the forum and indicates there have been various related issues around this stuff.

Pperhaps we can get these issues solved.



Originally posted by quant

wau wau wau ... I'm astonished! You certainly have time to grumble everywhere you can, you must really be pissed off. First let me remind you that Launchy is not made by Kinook, so as such, it is not a responsibility of Kinook for Launchy to work. I updated to just now to see whether there is some problem, but all works fine here with either Launchy or when using as internal browser.

Daly de Gagne:
I would appreciate it if members could share this warning with any other groups to which they belong, and whose members could be hurt by the current glitches in UR.

I on the other hand would appreciate if you realize how much damage/hurt can be done to Kinook reputation by sending messages like this. It would be nice if you somewhere mention that Launchy is NOT supported by Kinook, but can be used (with discretion). I hope you find the guts and send another messages apologizing to Kinook for hoaxing in case you find that there is problem in your setting and not in UR.

grahamrhind 03-26-2007 01:41 AM


Originally posted by quant
Sorry for not a really nice reply (people in this thread seem to be not in a good mood), but have you ever tried this???

Email will be responded to within one business day."


Just for clarity, Quant, the comment about the 9 days was mine, not Daly's. I didn't try the support e-mail because I can see (as a new user) that Kinook respond to support requests through this forum, that often other members can provide support (thus relieving the burden on Kinook) and, frankly, the problem I posted was an irritant to me but not an urgent issue. If nothing happens (and I can wait), then I shall repeat the request to the support e-mail.

I would also like to make clear that my problem is not from Launchy, Firefox or any external browser. The issue as I reported it is with UR's internal browser.


Daly de Gagne 03-26-2007 10:00 AM


Originally posted by quant

you made my day. Sorry, this is on the personal note, certainly people have the right to feel angry, and there is a way to deal with anger, maybe by posting their frustration all around instead of writing an email to support, but this would really be the last thing I'd expect:
Occupation: psychotherapist/chaplain


You have a fine eye for irony (grin)).

Even chaplains and therapists get crabby at times -- and, of course, neither calling brings with it a guarantee of perfection or that we won't go over the top at times.

So I apologize to all for my pissy posts yesterday.

But...I still have the same questions, and the need to catch up work. I thought I could do some of that yesterday evening, but ended up spending several hours on an emergency hospital call around midnight, and another few hours this morning about 5:30.

So, after napping when I finish work tonight at 6, I'll take another more rational, calmer approach to resolving thee issues.



kinook 03-26-2007 10:04 AM

Re: Re: Re: Re: UR not creating link to webpage

Originally posted by Daly de Gagne
"Error posting data. Foreign key violation. Item keyword table references missing row intable reference."
Try repairing your database (Tools | Compact and Repair with repair options checked; as always, backup your database first).

Daly de Gagne 03-26-2007 10:04 AM


Originally posted by quant
To be honest, I didn't understand the work-around you mentioned, didn't see who suggested it, cause you were replying to yourself: "If I try to drag and drop the url from the browser address bar, nothing happens." - it doesnt work this way. But if you just copy the url from the browser, then go to UR data explorer tree, and do a paste (CTRL+V), it should copy the website as a child of current item. Did you try this?
Quant, no I didn't -- but I will try it. Thanks.


kevina 03-27-2007 09:53 AM

Not sure if you saw kinook's response above regarding doing a repair, but if all possible, we are interested in whether a Repair resolves the "Foreign Key ..." error message you received. Also, having the exact text of the message would be helpful as well.

We responded with more detail to your email address, but our email bounced with an "over quota" error... Just FYI. If there is an different email that would be better for us to use, just email us at with it and we will send our response again.

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