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bookman 08-29-2008 08:49 AM

Using Ultra Recall as a Bookmark Manager besides its many other great functions
Ultra Recall already provides a button Firefox or Internet Explorer to

Copy to Ultra Recall

Is there a way that I can say by pressing Crtl and clicking the button, Ultra Recall just store the keywords that it places in the Item Title in the item title without actually copying the webpage into Ultra Recall.

And perhaps at the same time provides a Pop-up field that allows me to enter a few personalised details into the Item Title.

Say for example if I came across the website via Stumble Upon, I may like to just add Stumble into the Item Title.

Now you may wonder why I may want to do that.

It basically allows me to add another use to Ultra Recall - to use it when necessary as a bookmark manager.

There are many situations where I don't necessarily want to keep a copy of the page in Ultra Recall. But I just want to be able to recalled that I stumbled on to that site for example. A side benefit is that it also keeps my Ultra Recall Database smaller.

Saving a bookmark also makes the "operation" much faster as opposed to copy the entire webpage into Ultra Recall.

A work around of course is to just highlight a small segment of the webpage and then click copy to Ultra Recall.

But that means I still have to take another step to edit Item Title and add the word Stumble

ashwken 08-29-2008 09:41 AM

What if you created a Template based on the Text template, call it Bookmark.

Create a Form, named Bookmark, and assign the Attribute [Item Title] to it. Create a folder Bookmarks and assign the Bookmark Template as the Default Child.

Granted, you will need to manually create new children for this folder, but you can drag-drop from the external browser Address Area into the RTF viewer area of the Bookmark Item (provides just the url).

Once the url has been dragged to the RTF viewer area you can edit the Item Title in the Form, or just type the desired text in the RTF Viewer Area (after the url), then select this text and press to title the Item.

If you go the Form route you have the advantage of assigning other Attributes that may help in searching or sorting, or don't use a Form and just do everything in the RTF Viewer Area.

kinook 08-29-2008 09:43 AM

Use the Link button to link (not store) the web page.

eno 08-29-2008 09:58 AM

I think this is a great idea

I have just tried saving a word off a web site and like you say it then needs editing to get any keywords.

In item attributes it would be great if the URL was a live link

Or am i missing something and by just linking that does it?

Kinook beat me to posting a reply (That's one of the reasons i like UlraRecall) ;-)

bookman 08-29-2008 11:24 AM

Thanks for the quick reply Kinook and Ashwken.

I tried clicking the Link in Ultra Recall and yes, it does create the Item (not stored) and as a result is noticeably faster than using the Copy to Ultra Recall.

For this page in the forum clicking
Link to Ultra Recall - 12 secs
Copy to Ultra Recall - 35 secs

Ideally, it would be nice if at least the Link to Ultra Recall could take a shorter time to get its job done.

To answer Eno's question, yes the keywords from the website (presumably provided by the webmaster) are "stored" in the Item title.

How do I know this ? Because I use a dedicated Bookmark manager and it picked up the same words as that "stored" in the Item title.

The only problem as I see it is that if I want to add a simple remark, I have to navigate to the "bookmark" in this case now stored as a link in the Ultra Recall database, then click on the Item titles in the Item Attributes.

Incidentally once you have located the Item in the database, Ctrl+4 takes you directly to the Item Title and excecuting a Tab takes you to the editable field.

But that is still too many steps for a simple edit of the title.

So perhaps a Crtl + Click Link in Ultra Recall could take us to that item all in a single step.

Does anyone have a work around to accomplish something like that.

Perhaps maybe someone could write a autohotkey script to do something like this.

quant 08-29-2008 11:45 AM


Originally posted by bookman
For this page in the forum clicking
Link to Ultra Recall - 12 secs
Copy to Ultra Recall - 35 secs

I have a fairly old laptop, 1 RAM, 1.6 Centrino, XP, Firefox and the times are much smaller than reported, 4 and 8 seconds respectively ...

bookman 08-29-2008 11:57 AM

I just tried the timings again both with Firefox 3.01 and IE 7 and the timings are rather consistent with the earlier timings I have given above

I use a Centrino 1.7ghz with 1GB mem
Running Windows XP Pro SP2

I'm also on a 8mbps broadband connection.

quant 08-29-2008 11:58 AM

I see one can use Shift to copy/link all tabs, maybe Ctrl could be used to bring UR in front and navigate automatically to the imported item.

quant 08-29-2008 12:13 PM

my apologies, my UR didn't do html indexing. The linking is still about 4-5 seconds, storing now takes a bit longer, about 15 seconds.

Still a big difference, and we basically have the same systems (my internet is only 2Mbps). Maybe Kinook can shed some light ...

kinook 08-29-2008 12:25 PM

We don't really know what is causing the slowdown for bookman. Several months ago, we had him run a debug build, and this is what we found:

The majority of the time is spent in calls to HttpSendRequest [1] and InternetReadFile [2] (standard Windows Internet APIs). Those calls are taking up to 4 seconds on your PC, vs. 200 milliseconds or less on our tests machines (1.5MB DSL connection). I don't believe there's anything we can do to make those calls to go any faster. About the only explanation I can think of (other than slow internet connection or slow server response, which don't seem to be the case if connectivity to that site is not slow in general) is something between UR and the server that is slowing the execution of these calls down (maybe some proxy, anti-virus, spyware, and/or other security software).


bookman 08-29-2008 12:28 PM

I was looking through the Tools, Options, Import (More) Tab and after Ticking Always use IE cached version if available, I found that saving times under

Firefox and IE has improved considerably.


Link to Ultra Recall - 11 secs
Copy to Ultra Recall - 14 secs

Link to Ultra Recall - 10 secs
Copy to Ultra Recall - 10 secs

The strange thing is that the Link to Ultra Recall times are not that much more faster relatively speaking.

The other thing is that the Options setting seems to refer to IE cache. But it seems to improve the Firefox times as well. Well - in this case it is good anyway.

quant 08-29-2008 12:52 PM


Originally posted by bookman
The other thing is that the Options setting seems to refer to IE cache. But it seems to improve the Firefox times as well. Well - in this case it is good anyway.
It probably works with Firefox as well. I tried it myself and storing time improved to about 6-7 seconds!

bookman 08-29-2008 01:02 PM

Back on the subject of a quick shortcut to the most current item, which is basically the most recently saved "bookmark", I was hoping to find a shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcut list or perhaps in the command line items.

Unfortunately, I could not find anything there.

I suppose it would not be very difficult to implement a shortcut to the "most recent item".

However, I could be wrong.

Or another way is that we could set a system option so that each time we saved an item, we make Ultra Recall the active application and bring it into focus too.

Could not find anything that I thought would do that too in the Tools, Options although there were some items that mentioned focus.

bookman 08-29-2008 01:06 PM


Originally posted by quant
It probably works with Firefox as well. I tried it myself and storing time improved to about 6-7 seconds!
Perhaps it should be a default setting because I think others may benefit from this as well and they may not even know about this unless they are tinkering with the Tool Options setting and there are many other settings there that could improve performance without us knowing about it.

Perhaps you have a setting set that I'm not aware about that could get me to your 6-7 secs and I don't even know that my foot brake is on all the time and I'm wearing out the brake pads unknowingly. Sigh !!!

kinook 08-29-2008 01:35 PM


Originally posted by bookman
Back on the subject of a quick shortcut to the most current item, which is basically the most recently saved "bookmark", I was hoping to find a shortcut in the Keyboard Shortcut list or perhaps in the command line items.

Unfortunately, I could not find anything there.

I supposed it would not very difficult to implement a shortcut to the "most recent item".

However, I could be wrong.

Sorting the Child Items pane in reverse Date Created order would show the most recently imported item under that node at the top of the list.

Or, you could create a search item with an advanced search of Date Created greater than or equal to with 'Store dates relative to current date' checked, reverse sort the Search Results pane on the Date Created column, then create a favorite for this search item. Then use the Favorites menu or assign a shortcut key to the favorite to locate the most recently created/imported item and select it to rename, add notes, etc.


Or another way is that we could set a system option so that each time we saved an item, we make Ultra Recall the active application and bring it into focus too.

Could not find anything that I thought would do that too in the Tools, Options although there were some items that mentioned focus.

Checking 'Tools | Options | Import | Select location when importing or pasting from other applications' also activates UR when importing from other apps and allows choosing the location to import to.

quant 08-29-2008 01:45 PM

still a lot of work to do just to get to the imported item.

It creates a new item, so it should probably be as straightforward as creating new item in UR directly, which also navigates to newly created item. I think the CTRL modifier could be quite useful ;-)

bookman 08-29-2008 09:03 PM


Originally posted by quant
still a lot of work to do just to get to the imported item.

It creates a new item, so it should probably be as straightforward as creating new item in UR directly, which also navigates to newly created item. I think the CTRL modifier could be quite useful ;-)

I second that and in that process, it should allow us to also set the field where the cursor is focused.

In that way once I have entered or made any changes that I wanted to, I can then hit the "Esc" key and Ultra Recall would then minimize "step out of the way" until I need it again.

In case anyone is wondering, Tool Options, under General Tab allows you to set the Esc Minimizes application window.

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