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armsys 12-30-2008 04:47 AM

Outlook Protocol in UR
Actually in any item text and/or item note, you can insert a URL linking to a specific Outlook item (message, task, appointment, note,...etc.)

1. For background info, read:

2. Download a free program called Outlook Linker from TeamScope

3. Select an Outlook item.

4. Right-click the chain icon in the Taskbar to capture the link.

5. In UR, you can paste the link in the Item Text or Item Note.
The syntax of the Outlook Protocol URL in UR is, for example,
The GUID is obtained from Outlook Linker.

Hope you find the info useful.

armsys 12-30-2008 05:44 AM

Now I have a problem with pasting the URL into UR item text.
The URL captured by the TeamScope's Link can be copied into Microsoft Word and Outlook, not in UR. Why? Is UR default editor supposed to be RichText? Please help.

kinook 12-30-2008 10:28 AM

By default, the Outlook Linker utility puts only HTML format (containing the Outlook URL) on the clipboard. Word treats this as an actual hyperlink, but the MS rich text control (used by UR for rich text editing) doesn't.

If you right-click on the Linker tray icon and check Text (HTML), the linker utility will subsequently put text format on the clipboard as well, which will paste like this into UR (and other apps):


If you then delete the HTML code surrounding the URL, it will become a clickable link. You can also give the link a custom title via Format | Hyperlink Properties.

It would be more convenient if the linker utility could put an RTF hyperlink and/or the raw URL as text on the clipboard.

igoldsmid 12-30-2008 02:20 PM

for pasting into UR from Outlook Linker - right click on the O/L tray icon and choose Outlook GUID format...

armsys 12-31-2008 03:07 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by igoldsmid
for pasting into UR from Outlook Linker - right click on the O/L tray icon and choose Outlook GUID format...
I couldn't find the Outlook GUID format... from from the Linker. Please help. Thanks.

armsys 12-31-2008 03:52 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally posted by kinook


If you then delete the HTML code surrounding the URL, it will become a clickable link. You can also give the link a custom title via Format | Hyperlink Properties.

Yes, thru the Teamscope's Linker I can obtain the URL text similar to your example:


However, I tried out several possible deletions of HTML codes, but it can't work. Yes, it's clickable. But it fails jumping to the targeted item in Outlook and Outlook complains with the following error message dialog box:

igoldsmid 12-31-2008 03:56 AM


Originally posted by armsys
I couldn't find the Outlook GUID format... from from the Linker. Please help. Thanks.
Yes -- that's a pain - I just downloaded the latest version and its both a larger file and it doesn't provide the Outlook GUID Format.

You will need to fully uninstall the current version - removing ALL the registry entries, directories and files - and the only way I know to do that fully and safely is with

I have uploaded the earlier version of Linker for Windows which does provide the Outlook GUID links - which you can get here (for the next 7 days):

armsys 12-31-2008 04:10 AM

Hi igoldsmid,
The 0000000090116E77FD1A994BAE2972020E2B
A7D404182000 in


(in Kinook's sample above)
is supposed to be the GUID, isn't?
Thanks for your help.


igoldsmid 12-31-2008 04:20 AM


Originally posted by armsys
Hi igoldsmid,
The 0000000090116E77FD1A994BAE2972020E2B
A7D404182000 in


(in Kinook's sample above)
is supposed to be the GUID, isn't?
Thanks for your help.


This is the full GUID:


armsys 12-31-2008 04:35 AM


Thanks a lot for your enormous help. Previously you and I were on a different page. I've download your LinkerForWindowsSetup.exe. I'm surprised by the quiet constant change of versions which is never announced by TeamScope. Yes, I kept two old versions, the older being Jan 11, 2008, version 3.0.4. Yours is much older, that's, 2.0.72.

Nonetheless, yours is the most friendly to UR users. Once pasting into an Info Item text, the URL is instantly clickable and instantly jumping to the targeted item. No more tedious HTML editing is needed.



ashwken 12-31-2008 05:25 AM


Originally posted by igoldsmid
This is the full GUID:


Just curious, what happens to the link when the Outlook item is moved to the archive.pst.

armsys 12-31-2008 05:34 AM

I supposed GUID is assigned to an Outlook item, just like ItemID in UR. In this case, you've to give a full path.
That is, Outlook:\\archive\Calendar\

Note: I haven't tested the actual format/syntax.

ashwken 12-31-2008 04:21 PM


Originally posted by ashwken

This is the full GUID:

Just curious, what happens to the link when the Outlook item is moved to the archive.pst.

Perhaps I should have been more clear:

if the link you create in UR from this Outlook GUID is pointing to an Outlook Item in personal.pst, then via auto-archive the Outlook Item is moved to archive.pst, what happens to the link in UR?

Does the .pst have to be open (loaded) in Outlook for the UR link to still work (regardless of which .pst currently holds the item)?

igoldsmid 12-31-2008 04:47 PM


Originally posted by ashwken
Perhaps I should have been more clear:

if the link you create in UR from this Outlook GUID is pointing to an Outlook Item in personal.pst, then via auto-archive the Outlook Item is moved to archive.pst, what happens to the link in UR?

Does the .pst have to be open (loaded) in Outlook for the UR link to still work (regardless of which .pst currently holds the item)?

Sometimes the URI gets changed when it is automatically moved to another folder or pst - sometimes not. The only way I know to assure that the link remains as it is - is to manually drag and drop the item to another folder/pst

armsys 12-31-2008 09:47 PM


Originally posted by igoldsmid
Sometimes the URI gets changed when it is automatically moved to another folder or pst - sometimes not.
May I know what is URI? Is URI a GUID or a UR ItemID? Thanks.

blackwine 03-15-2009 01:52 PM

Regd previous version of linker
The link uploaded by igoldsmid has expired already. Can igoldsmid or someone else, please upload it again? I am unable to get the previous version of the linker anywhere else... Thanks in advance for your help.


Originally posted by igoldsmid
Yes -- that's a pain - I just downloaded the latest version and its both a larger file and it doesn't provide the Outlook GUID Format.

You will need to fully uninstall the current version - removing ALL the registry entries, directories and files - and the only way I know to do that fully and safely is with

I have uploaded the earlier version of Linker for Windows which does provide the Outlook GUID links - which you can get here (for the next 7 days):

igoldsmid 03-15-2009 02:29 PM

new link for LinkerforWindows
this link only works for 7 days or 100 downloads:

armsys 03-15-2009 06:15 PM

Thanks for helping Blackwine.

blackwine 03-15-2009 06:59 PM

Thanks a lot for the link
Thanks to both igoldsmid and armsys. You have been very helpful. Meanwhile, I sent an email to TeamScope Support asking them for a link to a previous version of linker. According to the VP of marketing, the recent version supports Outlook Item linking. Below is his email:


I'm not sure where you got this information, but I think it is incorrect. Just to clarify, Outlook does not use GUIDs (see internally but instead uses EntryIDs to identify Outlook Items (see Linker's primary purpose is to create hyperlinks to Outlook Items using these EntryIDs, called an Outlook Item Link in Linker, and by default that is what is copied into the paste buffer when you have an Outlook item selected in Outlook and press the Linker icon in the SysTray.

For example I created this Outlook link Regd previous verion of Linker for Windows from your e-mail and it contains this link information:

outlook:000000001A447390AA6611CD9BC800AA002FC45A09 0090BE0C52AFF03348A64708C9D6ABA4700000000768750000 8BA0D270DABF484EB37F6B8F7321E8610000001360BE0000

Note that the link won’t display your e-mail when you click on it since it is only valid in my copy of Outlook, but you get the idea.

Does that answer you question? If so, could you tell me where the misinformation is posted so I can clarify?


Steve Reynolds
Vice President of Sales and Marketing
TeamScope Software
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
TeamScope CRM: The CRM Solution with True Outlook Integration

armsys 03-15-2009 09:15 PM

Re: Thanks a lot for the link

Originally posted by blackwine
According to the VP of marketing, the recent version supports Outlook Item linking. Below is his email:
Hi Blackwine,
Thanks for sharing TeamScope's reply. It's enormously helpful. It explains a lot of myths:
1. Duplicate Outlook items when synchronizing between 2 computers;
2. Outlook personalizes the ID per individual copy of Outlook;
3. Your Outlook link will fail on my Outlook.
Thanks a lot.

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