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dspady 02-13-2010 11:31 AM

Importing from Evernote
Is there any simple way to import data from Evernote. I use both Macs and Windows computers and can clip any webpage to Evernote in either OS, but I use UR as my main 'database'. Is it possible to easily copy relevant material from Evernote to UR, especially including the url etc. and not just the basic content.

I know this was asked about 3 or 4 years ago, but both evernote and UR have matured, so maybe links are possible now.


J-Mac 02-15-2010 12:32 AM

Hi Don.

While I don’t know with any certainty I would think that it would require some program changes in order to do this. Well, then again I should ask first: Are you talking about importing the entire Evernote database? Or whole notebooks at a time?

Of course individual notes could be copied and pasted into a new child using the "Text" template. But since Evernote doesn’t store notes individually, but in a database I would guess that some coding would be required to split the imported database into its individual notes and then create children text templates for each separate note in UR.

Some less robust note-taking programs store each note as a separate file, and that would be a lot easier. E.g., Aignes Software's AM-Notes and ZuluPad, among others. But I don’t think that an Evernote database or notebook could be imported unless some sort of conversion coding was added to UR. Which would be nice but I haven't seen any requests for it so I doubt it is on the roadmap.



dspady 02-15-2010 09:17 AM

Basically, I want to import individual notes, note whole databases. I can import *.MHT and *.html files from Evernote quite easily, but cannot import the url from which the note derived. I suppose that the trick might be a two step process where I imported the MHT file and then went back to the Evernote database and copied the url and pasted it into UR.
Bit of a pain, but maybe the best option.

It is interesting that Surfulator also stores (or exports) documents as MHT, but it INCLUDES the url, so there is not a problem.

Maybe the trick is to find a MAC program that clips from the web and exports contents that include the url into something that UR can read. I could live with that.

vogelap 03-10-2010 02:43 PM

Holy smoke, would the ability to import from EverNote (2.2.1) or Evernote (3.x) be useful!

The developer of InfoQube was able to make an importer for EverNote, so hopefully Kinook can too!

critStock 03-31-2010 12:21 PM


Originally posted by vogelap
Holy smoke, would the ability to import from EverNote (2.2.1) or Evernote (3.x) be useful!

The developer of InfoQube was able to make an importer for EverNote, so hopefully Kinook can too!


vogelap 03-31-2010 12:55 PM

Is there any information (EverNote exports, etc) that I could provide to help with consideration of this feature request?

kinook 03-31-2010 01:46 PM

A few sample EverNote databases for testing would be great (please send to Thanks.

vogelap 03-31-2010 02:57 PM

Will get something together for you tonight. Thanks!

critStock 03-31-2010 05:28 PM

Thanks for stepping up, Drew! I assume Drew's sample will suffice, but if you need anything more, I'm happy to contribute whatever I can to this effort, would address one of the biggest missing links in my ideal workflow!

It's been a while since I frequented the UR forums, but I am reminded again of how great the support and development teams are!


vogelap 03-31-2010 06:16 PM

I am working on the databases/exports/etc this evening.

Here's an article I wrote about my usage of EverNote 2.2.x:

critStock 03-31-2010 06:25 PM

Evernote 2.2 vs. 3
Drew, that's a really helpful post on how you use Evernote. I picked up some idea that will really be helpful for my own War Against Chaos (WAC).

It also reminded me (especially the comments) that Evernote versions 2.2 and 3 (the infamous Evernote Downgrade) use different database formats. Sounds like you're using 2.2 and I'm using 3, sooo...

... perhaps I should send a version 3 db after all? Or were you already planning to do that?


vogelap 03-31-2010 07:12 PM

I was hoping to focus on EverNote 2.2.x first, then look at 3.0 if/when Kinook implements importing from 2.x. Frankly, Evernote 3.x is SUCH a downgrade from 2.2.x as to be completely useless.

Still, David, if you want to send them a 3.0 database, I'm sure the Kinook guys would be able to use it. I really think that the power of EverNote 2.2.x is more in line with the power of URp. Much more in line than Evernote 3.x, in my opinion.

I've emailed the EverNote 2.x stuff to Kinook. Please let me know of any questions!

J-Mac 03-31-2010 10:38 PM

Unfortunately Evernote 2.2 import won't benefit many users here; there are few still using 2.2 compared to the newer versions.


critStock 04-01-2010 02:08 AM

sample db file for Evernote 3.5 sent
Okay, I just sent a sample db file from evernote 3.5 (.exb) by email in a zipped attachment.

Thanks for looking into this!

Evernote 2.2 seems eons ago. I use version 3 for two functions: clipping easily (it's clipper is about the smoothest) and for keeping these clipping synchronized across machines. Evernote 3 is useful for organizing the clipped info, so I've all but ceased using it for serious professional research. At this point, I'm worried about data lock, as it does not appear that Evernote is serious about restoring any of the functionality they jettisoned between 2.2 and 3.0. I've used UR for quite a while and am impressed with its power, versatility, stability--and the options for getting data OUT!

I would probably use UR for just about everything, if it could sync over the internet. I need to be able to work on my knowledgebase in many locations. Lately I've been trying Surfulater--which clips pretty well (integration not perfect), but has very satisfying organizational tools. It's version of a tag tree appeals to me more than any other I've seen.

J-Mac 04-01-2010 02:23 AM

I also have Surfulater - it's OK but drives me crazy sometimes.

I am using Evernote 3.5 but not that much lately. Their new interface is a mess. Extremely slow, a rotten rich text editor - basically they insist on using Microsoft's WPF which everyone else has pretty much sworn off due to problems. I use Evernote only for quick clips off the web. I can't use it anymore to jot down a quick note - they have made it too difficult with their latest builds.

I loved Evernote 2.2 but it is no longer supported, can't sync to the web, and unfortunately is used by so few anymore that it has become "abandonware" in just about every sense.

I use Ultra Recall now for as much as possible. I just wish its web clipping was a little quicker; some web pages take about a full minute to show up in URp and URp is not usable until the capture is complete. I also don’t use URp for writing quick notes. I haven't found a way to do that efficiently, though if someone posts any way to do so I would use it.

Thank you.


vogelap 04-01-2010 07:53 AM

There is a convertor from 2.2.x databases to 3.x databases (you must run the 2.2.x exported database through 3.1 (apparently, the 2.2.x import functionality has been removed in post-3.1 versions of Evernote (stupid decision, imo)).

For Ultra Recall Pro, the ideal solution would be if Kinook supported BOTH EverNote 2.2.x and Evernote 3.x imports. (I recognize that 2.2.x users are a minority, but I don't see that the export formats are drastically different, so it might not be much additional work to implement both imports.)

If Kinook decided to support only the import of 3.x databases, that would be acceptable since I can go 2.2.x->3.1->URp. However, I worry about losing metadata (like Note Links, which are not supported in Evernote 3.x) in the process (especially transitioning between 2.2.x & 3.1)...

J-Mac 04-01-2010 02:15 PM


Originally posted by vogelap
There is a convertor from 2.2.x databases to 3.x databases (you must run the 2.2.x exported database through 3.1 (apparently, the 2.2.x import functionality has been removed in post-3.1 versions of Evernote (stupid decision, imo)).
Yeah, that's the dropping of support for 2.2 by Evernote I was talking about earlier.


For Ultra Recall Pro, the ideal solution would be if Kinook supported BOTH EverNote 2.2.x and Evernote 3.x imports. (I recognize that 2.2.x users are a minority, but I don't see that the export formats are drastically different, so it might not be much additional work to implement both imports.)

If Kinook decided to support only the import of 3.x databases, that would be acceptable since I can go 2.2.x->3.1->URp. However, I worry about losing metadata (like Note Links, which are not supported in Evernote 3.x) in the process (especially transitioning between 2.2.x & 3.1)...

I noticed that Pierre (IQ) also only has import capability for EN 2.2 and has been putting off doing the same for 3.x - I would guess that it is more difficult for some reason.



vogelap 04-01-2010 03:32 PM


Originally posted by J-Mac
Yeah, that's the dropping of support for 2.2 by Evernote I was talking about earlier.
When EverNote changed to Evernote, they did a STELLAR job of alienating their "MVP"-level users (I was among them). That behavior presented an AMAZING education in how NOT to operate. Killing all the much-loved and differentiating features was another education.


Originally posted by J-Mac
I noticed that Pierre (IQ) also only has import capability for EN 2.2 and has been putting off doing the same for 3.x - I would guess that it is more difficult for some reason[/B]
It is my very strong suspicion that En3.x import has not been implemented in IQ because the folks driving the implementation of that import (namely, me & others) have moved away from IQ as a "too programmy" solution. I want a PIM, not a framework in which I can program a PIM, if you follow me.

OH! I forgot to mention this earlier... I use EverNote 2.2.x with Dropbox -- I store my ENbase in Dropbox -- and it works FLAWLESSLY.

critStock 04-01-2010 10:51 PM

I certainly know what you mean about IQ. It's cool, but who has the time to build all that infrastructure? UR is plenty flexible for my needs--I have loads of custom templates (and entertaining icons!) for the data types I use.

Drew, about Dropbox, could you please elaborate? Are you syncing the db file between PCs and Dropbox, or are you actually loading the remote db in Evernote from various locations?


vogelap 04-02-2010 07:33 AM


Originally posted by critStock
UR is plenty flexible for my needs--I have loads of custom templates (and entertaining icons!) for the data types I use.
I agree. I am enjoying the process of learning URp. My progress is slow because of my limited time to spend on it, but I am so far impressed.

Any insight/tips/suggestions you could provide about templates, icons, or URp best-practices would be appreciated!


Originally posted by critStock
Drew, about Dropbox, could you please elaborate? Are you syncing the db file between PCs and Dropbox, or are you actually loading the remote db in Evernote from various locations?
Sure... It's pretty simple, really... Put your ENbase (or your URp .urd file, etc) into Dropbox (I put mine in "EverNote Files" and "UltraRecall Files" directories in Dropbox to keep things tidy).

If you decide to register (free) on Dropbox, please go through this link ( to give me credit as your referrer... I appreciate that!

Launch the application and point to that file. Do your work. When you exit the application, the file is synchronized with Dropbox. Any machines you have authorized to sync to your Dropbox account receive the updated version, and you're good to go. It works transparently in the background, no fuss, no mess.

In Dropbox, I store my working files for BigOven, EverNote, Evernote, Ultra Recall Pro, OneNote, InfoQube (SQLNotes), KeePass, Quicken, and as an online "USB stick" for other file storage too.

Please let me know of any questions.

critStock 04-12-2010 08:17 PM

Thanks for sharing your method! What I currently use is PowerFolder, which syncs my files (including UR and other databases) by a peer-to-peer method. It works just fine. The same caveat applies as with your method: you need to close the db program on computer X before you can work on it on computer Y. In that sense I guess these two methods are pretty much equivalent.

My problem is absent-mindedness: forgetting to close on one pc before opening on another. I've been working on a solution that uses a batch file that closes all the relevant programs. I then use Windows scheduler to schedule the batch to run every 15 minutes, but only if the system has been idle for 15 minutes. This way the programs don't close if I'm working on the pc. This is imperfect, since I might be looking in a book for 20 minutes, and the applications will be closed before I'm done with them. In order to minimize this inconvenience, I've written another batch file to start all the closed programs with one click. This works swimmingly on my xp systems, but I haven't quite ironed out all the kinks on my single Win 7 system. The reason this method works with programs like UR and Surfulater is that they write all changes to the db either immediately or when the program closes. If you did the same thing with, say, MS Word, and hadn't saved your work, this close command would generate a dialogue box ("Save Changes?"). Then again, there is no reason to keep programs like Word open all the time, as one likes to do with UR, etc.

Okay, that was verbose. If you've read this far, I'd be interested to hear what you think of this method...


vogelap 04-13-2010 06:08 PM

Hi David!

Phew! That's a lot of work... I tend to be in favor of the easiest solution -- which would be to remember to shut down programs on computers I'm not currently using.

Additionally, I'd probably install VNC or something to allow me to get into my computer remotely and shut stuff down should I forget, but that's just me!

$bill 04-13-2010 07:06 PM


Originally posted by vogelap
Additionally, I'd probably install VNC or something to allow me to get into my computer remotely and shut stuff down should I forget, but that's just me!
You can sync your files and remotely access your computer using Microsoft's Live

critStock 04-13-2010 07:50 PM


Originally posted by vogelap
Hi David!

Phew! That's a lot of work...

Hi, Drew. Actually, it's no work at all, now that I've written the batch file and configured the scheduler. All of that took maybe an hour, but now it's all completely automatic on all my machines. I never have to think about it. It was probably my clumsy description that made it sound like a lot of work. (The effort all stemmed from reading my turgid prose!)

All the best,

J-Mac 04-14-2010 01:15 AM


I used Live Mesh during their beta test period, or at least for a good part of the beta - probably about the first half or a little more. However as happens with beta releases there were a few big oopes where I lost some data. Now I naturally had copies of all files in Mesh stored elsewhere so there was no actual data loss but I did finally drop out of the beta when I decided to go with Dropbox, which seemed to have their sync process working with more stability.

I haven't gone back and tried Mesh again. Sounds like it is running well at this point. I gather you are satisfied with it since you are recommending it here. Maybe I'll give it another go, though I do have a 100 GB premium subscription with Dropbox currently.

Thank you.


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