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inkognito 05-16-2007 09:36 AM

Outlook Sync Issue Duplicate Entries

i've been playing around w/ the outlook sync feature.

but i ran into massive trouble.

i draged an outlook folder to ur (stored not linked).
after the initial sync everything seems ok. but
each time i hit sync again all the contend is doubled!
means in ur and ol. so after 3 times syncing a folder
with e.g. one item i've got 8 items in ol and ur :(

i'm using ur 3.1 and outlook 2k3 wxpsp2 and w2k3sbs (german).

any ideas what's going on on my system?

kevina 05-16-2007 10:15 PM

Is the Create logically linked items for duplicate URLs option checked at Tools | Options | Import (More) ?

Having that option checked should prevent duplicates from being created when syncing Outlook (or other) folders.

kevina 05-17-2007 09:59 AM

I misspoke, Sync does not honor the Create logically linked items for duplicate URLs option, instead it should always use this logic (to prevent the behavior you are describing).

When the duplicate items are created when syncing, do the new items have the same or different urls than the existing duplicates?

If they are the same, then something is going wrong in the duplicate prevention logic in Ultra Recall, if they are different, then for some reason Outlook is returning a different url when syncing...

inkognito 05-17-2007 03:58 PM

they've different urls

this strange behaviour occures when i highlight the outlook folder.
when i highlight a single, multiple or all items in ur and hit sync.
everything's working like expected.

it seems that there are differences when syncing a linked or stored outlook folder

first i tried to drag an ol-folder to ur choosing "copy here" option.
all the items coming up in ur. after hitting sync (folder highlighted)
all the items are doubled in ur and ol. wired is, that the new items
in ol don't have a topic and appear empty (no contend in'em)
the doubled items in ur are an exact copy of the initial items.

second i try to link (choosing link here), the ol-items are created in ur. after hitting sync the first time the items are doubled in ur and not in outlook. after hitting sync a second time the items are
doubled again in ur (now having 3 not 4 of each) and a first double is created in ol (now having 1 empty item there).
in addition i can't sync the original items itself only the new doubled ones.
syncing original item producing an error: "Error syncronizing item: Invalid URL"

as i try to implement my own GTD system i'd like to have a working folder sync between ur and outlook.
maybe i can create a workaround by creating a custom search
4 all items that have an outlook url. highlight them all and sync them in one flush. but what about new created item's either in ur or ol ?

inkognito 05-18-2007 06:42 AM

correction to above post:

copying an ol-folder and syncing the items not the folder doesn't solve the problem.

simply copy (import) the ol-folder and syncing is ok. but after
editing an item in ur and resync that particular item this item
comes up in ol as a new one in addition to the old one.
in ur there's still only the one i've edited.
editing an item in ol then highlight the item in ur and syncing results that the changes are not transfered to ur. but an extra item is created in ol with the changes in it.

another thing i found out.
it seams that these problems occur whne importing an ol folder w/ all the including items.

when importing an ol-folder then delete all the items in ur except the folder then copy the ol-items themselves in a next step the changes in either ol or ur are synced without duplicate entries.

kevina 05-18-2007 09:38 AM

Can you ZIP and post (or email to the following for our evaluation:
1) a sample database containing an imported Outlook folder and some sub-items, also containing some duplicates created when the folder is synced
2) another database with the same folder imported, the sub-items deleted and manually copied in (as you described)
3) the install info found at Help | About | Install Info

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