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Leoram 08-31-2005 03:18 PM

Huge Data Explorer Pane and UR performance
Does it go against UR to build a database with a Data Explorer pane with many many info items (thousands or hundreds of thousands info items)? I know of some PIMs which performance decrease as their trees go beyond certain level independently of the size of the database, and their developers admit this weakness.


kinook 09-01-2005 08:18 AM

When opening a database, UR only populates the Data Explorer/Search trees with the nodes that are currently expanded, so as long as you don't keep all nodes expanded, performance should remain very good even with many thousands of items. The two UR databases I use on a regular basis currently have ~ 4,000 and 10,000 items/links, respectively, and startup is almost instantaneous (and one is even located on a network share).

Leoram 09-09-2005 07:41 AM


Will it be possible to add an option so as for the user to opt for the Data Explorer/Search panes to automatically collapse all other expanded nodes? This feature would surely add a push in favor of an already powerful UR Data Explorer pane. I'm not sure if this has been requested before. In my aggressive tests using UR, I have found out that it is a bit (or possibly very) annoying to deal with a tree with various nodes expanded. It is more difficult to navigate thru it especially for those who have big trees. You can tell me that I can use favorites or jump to My Data (the main node) and once there collapse all, but I have tried this and it is uncomfortable.


kevina 09-09-2005 02:24 PM

At what level would this auto-collapse happen? The root, the first level, the first level and all other levels, or ?? In other words you would like to only have one Info Item showing children at a time?

I think this similar suggestion is a better idea (and is already on our feature request list):

Leoram 09-09-2005 03:13 PM

Sure, the post on is quite similar in that UR should let the user execute a better level of control over the tree in regard to Collapse/Expand features. It is really a good post on the part of Brad; however, my post and his are a bit different, as mine talks about the entire tree to collapse automatically at root level (any node expanded at any level should collapse altogether), which could be an option. I think the best alternative would be a symbiosis of the two posts. Thanks.


kevina 09-09-2005 05:18 PM

A fairly straight-forward method of collapsing the entire Data Explorer Pane (available now) is to hold the left arrow key until the root Info Item (My Data by default) is selected, then hit Shift+Left Arrow. This will very quickly collapse the entire tree.

I realize this isn't a single click or keystroke, but is fast, convenient and available now.

kevina 09-09-2005 05:26 PM

Actually there is an even simpler way: Home then Shift+Left Arrow.

Leoram 09-14-2005 08:44 AM

Your aproach using shortcuts Kevina is worthy of attention, however sometimes the best way to accomplish some tasks is by using the mouse the user has already at hand, rather than taking the hand off the mouse to "travel" to the keyboard. That could be the idea behind the "Toggle Layout" button (F11) on the View toolbar which I appreciate. A button to collapse the whole tree, which should act on it no matter what pane has the focus (also similar to the Toggle Layout already mentioned), would add a significant flexibility to UR, as it would allow to take a "shot" of what you have in your database. It is also useful when you want to start a new concept (or rearrange your thoughts) in your open database and want a clean tree structure. Does this make sense?


srdiamond 10-23-2005 02:53 PM

Collapsing with the mouse
There seems to be a very straightforward way to collapse using the mouse alone: right click in the explorer pane and choose "Collapse all."

Leoram 10-24-2005 09:25 AM

> There seems to be a very straightforward way to collapse using
> the mouse alone: right click in the explorer pane and
> choose "Collapse all."

This doesn't seem to be straightforward (at least in my tests ;-))

When you do a right clic on the Data Explorer pane, only the expanded node over which or alongside which you right clic get collapsed. All the rest remain expanded (try for yourself). The only way to collapse all the nodes with the mouse at present is to travel all the way up to the Root level and do a right clic there (or do the shortcut suggested by Kevina). I hope something will be done by the responsive people behind UR (They have demontrated this so far :)


srdiamond 10-24-2005 03:21 PM

You're right of course about where you must click to collapse the entire tree. I find Home, right-click handier than Home, alt-left arrow. Either way it's one extra click. I'm not sure that's worth an extra command or button.

Leoram 10-25-2005 01:17 PM

> I'm not sure that's worth an extra command or button.

If you carefully read the whole thread Stephen you'll probably notice that the feature here debated is not focused on merely get home and collapse all. That's not the point.

For users that INfrequently open their database to store or search for an information, the problem of not having a way to swiftly move thru their database might not be an issue. However for others that use UR profusely as a central base of informational materials, brainstorm, document management and the like, moving smoothly and conveniently could be of greater interest, especially if they have to constanly focus on the Data Explorer pane in order to reorganize their thoughts.

I am of those that have built a huge and complex tree. I have organized my materials in what might at a glance seem a simple tree with some few nodes on the first level. They are my mega-themes. However when I go some levels deep into the tree and open many nodes, I frequently feel the need to go back and start again with new ideas and thoughts. This is why I'm trying to persuade (if possible) UR developers to reinforce and already powerful Data Explorer pane. The power and features with which UR has been endowed already in the DE pane talks to me that this is the right direction.


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