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tshare 04-14-2005 03:46 PM

Lockup after Undo

A couple times now Ultra Recall has locked up after I used CTRL-Z to Undo while I have a Word or Excel document open within the Browser in Ultra Recall. Now I know not to use Undo when editing a document in Ultra Recall, but it would be nice to not have Ultra Recall lock up when I screw up and do it.


kevina 04-15-2005 03:16 PM

When you say "locked up", do you have to kill the Ultra Recall process using Task Manager, or?? What version/SP of Windows and Office are you using?

I've tried to reproduce this, but have been unable to so far. If/when you see this behaviour again, please send any details (a sequence of steps or some way to reproduce the lockup) either as a forum post or emailed directly to

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