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tourdebill 06-19-2005 02:59 PM

Why UR when you have desktop search?
I have been dabbling with UR, but have yet to make an extensive use of it. One simple question for responses from UR users. Why use UR when you have desktop search tools like Copernic, Yahoo, Google, and MSN?


dasymington 06-20-2005 12:16 PM

I've been using X1 for desktop searches, and it does have the advantage that you don't need to import documents into anything; however, I'm really sold on UR because of the ability it gives you to organise documents into folders and to link them as many ways you want.

xja 06-20-2005 10:12 PM

for me it's:

Logical links, customizable hierarchy, user-definable metadata/attributes, and complex searches with customizable results format that can be saved.

I use it to create a goal and task-centric hierarchy in which I store all my information. One place to store all my info and a hierarchy that is meaningful for me.

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