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Murrgon 07-28-2005 09:36 AM

Custom output processing
I just got my hands on VBP and I am trying to do some custom processing. I want to do some reporting before my project begins to be compiled.

I am using CVS and the first thing I want to do is list the users who are currently still editing files in the project that I am about to build. VBP doesn't seem to support the 'editors' CVS command so I made a generic "Run Program" action to do it. It runs fine and the editors appear in the output window/log. What I would like to do is grab that output (using script I guess) and process it myself to remove anything that is unecessary.

Is there some way I can trap the output of an action, without it going to the output/log first, and process it and output my own messages?

Thank you

kinook 07-28-2005 03:12 PM

The CVS action's Command field is editable. If entering 'editors' there doesn't work, please post the Run Program command that does and we'll see about updating the CVS action to accommodate that command.

What you could do is turn off logging for the CVS action (see the Logging.bld sample), and add a Run Script step (which re-enables file logging) to parse out the contents of the LASTSTEP_OUTPUT system macro and log the information you really want to log:

' VBScript sample code
str = vbld_AllMacros.Item("LASTSTEP_OUTPUT")

' ... parse output as needed

Builder.LogMessage str

Murrgon 07-29-2005 01:30 PM

I checked and was able to edit the command field for obtaining the CVS editors list. So no more "Run Program" action for that.

Your other suggestion seems like it should work, but it may be a day or so before I have the chance to get back to working on it.

I'll let you know, one way or the other.

Thank you.

Murrgon 08-02-2005 12:20 PM

Your suggestion worked great, btw. Now all I need to do is remember how to write some VB script.

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