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jblocksom 07-29-2005 09:15 AM

Python as default scripting language causes problem
Hey everybody, the support team at Kinook helped me figure out a very strange error today and I thought I'd post a summary in case anybody else comes across it.

I had a very simple build project that I was just using to learn about VBPs capabilities. It had only four or five steps, it just ran a Perforce command and then processed the output with a Python script. At some point I tried to run it and it started giving me this error:
Error firing vbld_BuildStarting event: A null reference pointer was passed to the stub
I couldn't figure out what the heck it meant, and I had no idea what vbld_BuildStarting event was (it turns out it's an event you can handle in a script -- it's in the help index).

As it turns out while looking at the program preferences I had changed the default scripting language to Python, and that was breaking with the default vbld_BuildStarting event call. Changing the default scripting language back to VBScript fixed the problem. This happens in VBP 5.7.

Kinook support was very helpful and after looking into the problem further they believe they can fix it in the next release. I hope this information helps somebody down the line!

kinook 08-01-2005 07:09 AM

The download has been updated with a fix for this issue.

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