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DHearn 08-05-2005 04:15 PM

Wise step's 'Release' parameter not set correctly
In VisualBuildPro 5.7, if you specify a value in the 'Release' field of the Wise build step, it generates the command with an invalid syntax. It generates (where 'Silent' was the value specified for the release):

"C:\Program Files\Wise for Windows Installer\WfWI.exe" /c /s D:\Dev\ECHO\Source\2.1\Install\ECHOSetup.wsi=Silen t /l D:\Dev\ECHO\Source\2.1\Install\Compile.log /o D:\Dev\ECHO\Source\2.1\Ship\ECHOSetup_2.1.0.9999In ternal.msi /p ProductVersion= /p "ProductName=ECHO 2.1 (Internal)"

It should have generated:
... /c="Silent" ...

instead of tacking it to the end of the input file name.

You can get around the problem by specifying the /c="Silent" as an optional parameter instead of using the 'Release' field of the build step.

kinook 08-08-2005 08:26 AM

This is fixed in the latest download (VisBuildMisc.dll v5.7.0.2).

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